Support the ISIE

The ISIE is a non-profit society registered in The Netherlands. The mission of the ISIE is to promote the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy, community development, and industrial practices. In order to work towards our mission, we would like to ask for your support.

Through this page you can donate to the ISIE, be it to a specific project or to the ISIE's general operating budget. All donations are reflected in our annual reports, and our finances are discussed every year at our annual general meeting. All support makes a difference, and donations of any size are highly appreciated.

You can select a specific project or a general donation for your support by selecting an item in the “What project would you like your donation to support?” field in the “Make a donation” section. Below the “Make a donation” section, we outline the different projects for which we are seeking donations and we explain how funds will be used for each initiative.

Please note: Through the generosity of Professor Tom Graedel, donations by ISIE members made before the end of 2024 will be matched up to a cumulative maximum of ten thousand euros. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and make a donation.

It is also possible for Dutch citizens to support industrial ecology projects such as those conducted by the ISIE and receive a tax advantage. This is done by supporting our sister organization, the ISIE Foundation. The ISIE Foundation is an independent foundation that has received the ANBI designation from the Dutch Ministry of Finance. Details about how to make a donation to the ISIE Foundation by bank transfer are available at We understand that it is possible for citizens of some other European nations to receive a tax deduction when donating to the ISIE Foundation. Please check with your tax advisor if you are interested in this possibility. You might also find some useful information on the Transnational Giving Europe website (

Make a donation


You can pay securely using our online payment system. We use Stripe to process your payment. We support Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Alipay payments are also supported, but only for payments in euros.

It is also possible to make donations in euros or US dollars by bank transfer or wire transfer. Please contact the ISIE treasurer at for details on how to make a donation by one of these methods.

Below are outlines of the different projects for which we are seeking donations, and brief explanations of how funds will be used for each initiative.

General donation

Funds donated in this category will be added to the overall ISIE budget.

Support for Attendees of the next ISIE Biennial International Conference

Project Coordinators: Koichi Kanaoka (Yale University) and Kamila Krych (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

The goal of this activity is to make it possible for students and junior faculty, especially those from developing countries, to attend and participate in the next biennial meeting of the society. Some 800-1000 participants attend a typical meeting, but few are from developing countries due to financial constraints. Providing funding for about fifty such participants would assist them in their efforts as well as expand the reach of ISIE into regions of the world where ISIE’s scientific approaches could be of great benefit. The anticipated budget for such a program is as follows:

  • Travel per person - € 2000
  • Lodging per person - € 1000
  • Meeting registration - € 1000
  • Total per person - € 4000

Providing Industrial Ecology Textbooks to Faculty and Students in Developing Countries

Project Coordinator: Lynette Cheah (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)

The goal of this activity is to provide industrial ecology textbooks for students and junior faculty, especially those from developing countries, in support of industrial ecology instruction where funds are low. The anticipated budget for setting up this program and beginning to provide textbooks to those interested is € 5,000

Develop and Administer Pre-College Programs in Industrial Ecology and Global Change

Project Coordinators: Stephen Levine (Tufts University), Alissa Kendall (University of California Davis), and Roland Clift (University of Victoria, Canada)

The goal of this activity is to support two industrial ecology graduate students to research, organize, and work with local and perhaps regional pre-college and community college instructors to bring industrial ecology and global change perspectives to students interested in industrial ecology, global change, and related topics at an early stage of their educational paths.

Two graduate students working part-time for a nine-month period are budgeted at € 2,000/month, or a total of € 36,000/yr. In anticipation that this effort might be extended to work with those in countries outside the initial test audiences, a three-year effort would cost € 108,000.

Developing a Platform for Sustainability Literacy and Research Dissemination

Project Coordinator: Max Koslowski (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

The goal of this activity is to provide support for the development of an informational platform on global change and methods for analysis and understanding related to sustainability. The goal is to provide a platform that would communicate industrial ecology goals and methods to the general public: a “wikipedia of industrial ecology”. Setting up the online platform is estimated to cost € 3,000.

Developing an Industrial Ecology Methods Crash Course

Project Coordinator: Shiva Zargar (University of British Columbia)

The goal of this activity is to develop and implement an online “crash course” focusing on industrial ecology methods (LCA, MFA, TEA, etc.). The goal would be to communicate industrial ecology approaches to institutions, organizations, and industries who would benefit from such a focused platform. The cost to develop such a program is initially estimated to be € 6,000.

Support for a staff position as ISIE Director of Development

Project Coordinator: Ned Gordon (ISIE)

The goal of this activity is to provide support for a new full-time ISIE staff position to develop and implement plans for fund-raising and dissemination in support of the activities and intentions of the ISIE. The salary and benefits of such a position are estimated to be € 75,000 per year. A stretch goal is to endow this position for five years: € 375,000

Support for Development of a Summer School in Industrial Ecology

The goal of this activity is to develop and implement a two-week summer school for selected graduate students and faculty to learn about the latest advances and methodologies in industrial ecology. This effort would be modeled after summer schools currently held in specialties such as chemistry and biology. At each industrial ecology school the faculty would consist of world leaders (volunteers) in state-of-the-art industrial ecology, plus two staff members to administer the program and its details. The program would ideally involve a three-year period of development.

The estimated cost per year is: Support for travel and lodging for three faculty instructors and two program staff: Travel: € 3,000/person, Lodging: € 2,000/person, Salary (staff only, two months preparations and two weeks on site at € 5,000/month): € 40,000 Support for travel and lodging for twenty-five attendees: Travel: 25 attendees at € 3,000/person = € 75,000, Lodging: € 50,000/person = € 125,000

Introductory Lecture Series

The ISIE is setting up an introductory lecture series, in which seasoned industrial ecology academics teach the basic principles of different methods and principles within our field. These videos will be made available to the general public under a creative commons license, allowing anyone to view and re-use these videos.

Donations will contribute to the video editing and general overseeing of this project.

Anticipated cost: € 9000 – Hiring a video editor for two 3 month periods to provide assistance with the filming process and to edit the resulting footage.