
The International Society for Industrial Ecology has an extensive committee structure to further the goals of the Society and its members.  If you would like to be considered for any of these committees, please contact us.



The Awards Committee is responsible for overseeing any awards program the Society adopts. The Committee is appointed by the society's President, and  solicits nominations for recipients of approved awards and shall elect recipients from the nominees. The Committee should be chaired by the Past President and shall include the current President. Additional members are appointed from the list of recent recipients of the Society’s awards.

Ming Xu China Immediate Past President
Arnold Tukker Netherlands President 
Ester Van Der Voet Netherlands Former Award Recipient
Christoph Helbig Germany Former Award Recipient

Purpose of Awards Committee

The primary purpose of the Awards Committee is to administer the Society’s biennial Society Award and Laudise Medal. The Committee will develop and re-evaluate criteria, descriptions, and procedures for the awarding process.  The Committee is also charged with examining the on-going policies and procedures associated with the awards program; as well as calling for, reviewing, and judging award nominations.



Dominik Wiedenhofer Austria  Member
Reid Lifset USA  Member
Sina Leipold Germany  Member
Peter Berrill Netherlands  Member
Stefanie Hellweg Switzerland  Immediate Past-president
Stefano Cucurachi Netherlands  Member
Xiao Li China  Member


Purpose of the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee will call for nominations of elected positions within the Society, analyze the results and hold an election for members.   The Nominating Committee and ISIE staff will hold an information session at ISIE annual events at which interested members can ask questions and discuss qualifications for the opening roles.  This will open up the candidate field for the committee and introduce them to new researchers interested in being more involved with the Society.



Tomer Fishman Israel Co-chair
Anna Petit Boix Spain Co-chair
Edgar Hertwich Norway Immediate Past President
Stijn Van Ewijk United Kingdom Conference Committee Member
Weslynne Ashton United States Conference Committee Member
Paul Currie South Africa Conference Committee Member
Matthew Eckelman United States Conference Committee Member
Shoshanna Saxe Canada Conference Committee Member
Keisuke Nansai Japan Conference Committee Member
Anders Hammer Stromman Europe Conference Committee Member


Purpose of the Conference Committee

The primary purpose of this Committee is to develop a plan for all the meetings held by or jointly sponsored by the Society.  The Committee will call for, gather and review proposals of potential hosts for upcoming biennial ISIE Conferences. The Committee will also re-evaluate the structure of the conferences financially, geographically and programmatically and find other Societies or groups that can be engaged in ISIE conference-related activities. This will involve evaluating related conferences and events that potentially compete with ISIE conferences and then determining how ISIE conferences can maintain strength among them.