
A total of 199 dissertations were found in our database.
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Title Author Institution Year Section
Biomass to Energy Pathways: Assessment of Lignocellulose-based Fuel Production Technologies Sabrina Spatari University of Toronto 2007
Structuration of Knowledge on Process Design and Evaluation for Risk-Based Decision Making Yasunori Kikuchi The University of Tokyo 2009
System Expansion and Allocation in Life Cycle Assessment - With Implications for Wastepaper Management Tomas Ekvall Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 1999 Life-cycle
Life Cycle Assessment of Silica Sand Exploitation and Processing in Croatia Anamarija Grbes University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering 2014 Life-cycle
Improving Meterial Management to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Marko Hekkert Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands) 2000
Blending Optimization of biodiesel produced with waste and virgin oils Carla Caldeira University of Coimbra- MIT Portugal Programe 2012
The External Costs of Air Pollution and the Environmental Impact of the Consumer in the US Economy H Scott Matthews Carnegie Mellon University 1999
Incorporating Biogeochemical Cycles and Utilizing Complexity Theory for Sustainability Analysis SHWETA SINGH The Ohio State University 2012
Integrating Occupational Health into Life Cycle Assessment Kelly Scanlon The George Washington University 2013 Life-cycle
Les symbioses industrielles : une nouvelle stratégie pour l’amélioration de l’utilisation des ressources matérielles et énergétiques par les activités économiques Guillaume Massard Université de Lausanne 2011
The Development of Sustainability Evaluation Framework for Biomass-to-energy Supply Chain Systems. TOPE FALADE UNIVERSITY OF WEST OF SCOTLAND, PAISLEY 2015
Sustainable Management on Waste Reuse: a systemic process Andres Acero Universidad de los Andes 2019
Integrating Spatial Implications into Solving Life-Cycle Challenges of Biofuels and Industrial Symbiosis Briana Niblick University of Pittsburgh 2013 Symbiosis
Closing Carbon Cycles - Carbon use for Materials in the Context of Resource efficiency and Climate Change Martin Patel Utrecht University 1999
A systems approach to delivering a world class waste solution - Cloosing the Material Loop Jade-Ashlee Cox University of Surrey
New Hampshire’s Societal Metabolism: Material Flows and the Industry-Human-Nature Connection Deana Aulisio University of New Hampshire 2016 Metabolism
Criticality of Byproduct Materials: Assessing Supply Risk, Environment Impact, and Strategic Policy Response for Tellurium Michele Bustamante Rochester Institute of Technology 2016
Packaging Waste Management: Life Cycle Analysis of Various Packaging Materials in Greece and their Consequences on the Quality of the Environment Dimitrios Georgakellos University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration 1997 Life-cycle
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Agricultural Systems: Integration Into Decision-Making Sarah Cowell University of Surrey 1998 Life-cycle
Supply Chain Management Assessment of Sustainability within Bioenergy Supply Chain Management. Alessandro Sanches Pereira UNICAMP 2012
Urban metabolism of the informal economy Louise Guibrunet University College London Urban systems
Estimation of Environmental Implications of Construction Material and Designs Using Life Cycle Assessement Techniques (Bridges and Pavement) Arpad Horvath Carnegie Mellon 1997 Life-cycle
Collective action and coordinations regional dynamics in Industrial Ecology projects: the case of the bio-based construction materials Jeremie Joubert Troyes University of Technology - ADEME (french national agency for environmental policy) - C&B Construction et Bioressources (association)
Life cycle sustainability assessment of palm oil biodiesel: Insights into opportunities and challenges for balancing of 3Ps (people, profit, and planet) Dr. Yosef Manik University of Maine 2013 Life-cycle
Developing decision support systems towards participatory modelling: building foundations for circular economy in urban metabolism and renewable energy. Annie McCabe University of Queensland 2017 Urban systems
A Study on Regional Resource Recycling Zones of Construction Byproduct Aiming at a Dematerialized and Decarbonized Society Keijiro Okuoka Nagoya University 2013
Socio-metabolic trade patterns: An investigation of concepts and methods Anke Schaffartzik Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt-Graz-Wien 2015 Metabolism
Stochastic Multi attribute Analysis for Comparative Life Cycle Assessement Valentina Prado Lopez Life-cycle
Integrated Techno-economic and Environmental Analysis in Support of Biorefinery Technology Commercialization and Product Scheme Decision-making Carter Reeb, Ph.D. North Carolina State University 2015
Evaluating the life cycle climate impacts of solid waste management David Turner University of Southampton 2016 Life-cycle
Spatial variation in interaction of the semi-myrmecophyte Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) with ants and other invertebrates Megha Shenoy Indian Institute of Science 2007
Environmental evaluation of carbon capture and storage technology and large scale deployment scenarios Bhawna Singh Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2011
Resource efficiency of wood-plastic composites: Identifying secondary material substitution potentials and an environmentally sound end-of-life treatment Philipp Sommerhuber University of Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Biology 2016
Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making Theory - Practice-oriented Product Assessment on the Basis of Societal Values Sven Lundie Universität Lüneburg, Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre 1997
Energy Metabolism of Canada, a temporal study from 1990-2011 Abdullah Toseef University of Waterloo 2017 Metabolism
Promoting sustainable production in industrial regions Anne Velenturf
Estimation of Resource Productivity and Efficiency: An Extended Evaluation of Sustainability Related to Material Flow Pin-Chih Wang National Taipei University 2014
life cycle optimization for waste management system Guangwu Chen Life-cycle
A Multi-Stakeholder Abridged Environmentally Conscious Design Approach Frank O'Connor University of Glamorgan, UK 2000
Resilience Analysis and Value of Information with Application to Aviation Biofuels Elizabeth Connelly University of Virginia 2016
Supporting the Industrial Symbiosis Practice: Emergence and Sustainability of Self-Organized Industrial Symbiosis Networks Luca Fraccascia Politecnico di Bari 2017 Symbiosis
Carbon emissions in China Zhu LIU Chinese Academy of Sciences 2013
Socio-Ecological Priniciples and Indicators for Sustainability John Holmberg Goteborg University, Sweden. 1995
Life cycle and CO2 analysis of a student residential building in Ningbo, China Francisco Javier Jimenez NTNU and University of Nottingham in China 2017 Life-cycle
From feedstocks to final products: Mapping the global petrochemical supply chain Peter Levi
Greening the tiger? Social movements' influence on adoption of environmental technologies in the pulp and paper industries of Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand David A. Sonnenfeld UC Santa Cruz 1996
Creating socioeconomic ties, and Proximity in Industrial Symbiosis: comparison of three innovative approaches Jambou Maël University of Technology of Troyes 2018 Symbiosis
An Approach to Dynamic Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment by Evaluating Structural Economic Sequences Thomas Gloria Tufts University 2000 Life-cycle
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Economic and Environmental Implications of Using Natural Gas to Power On-Road Vehicles in the United States Fan TONG Carnegie Mellon University 2016
Selection of sustainable product improvement alternatives [online]. Anthony Halog Karlsrueh Institute of Technology 2002
Managing human-induced material use: adding cyclic inter-sectoral flows to physical input-output tables to analyse the environmental impact of economic activity Aleix Altimiras-Martin University of Cambridge 2015 Input-Output
Systems Analysis of Stock Buffering: Development of a Dynamic Substance Flow-Stock Model for the Identification and Estimation of Future Resources, Waste Streams and Emissions Ayman Elshkaki Leiden University 2007
Measuring the Impact of Tourism on Water Resources: alternative frameworks Michalis Hadjikakou University of Surrey 2014
Food, Feed, Fuel, Timber or Carbon Sink? Towards sustainable land-use systems - a consequential life cycle approach Miguel Brandão Centre for Environmental Strategy, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey 2012 Life-cycle
Staying Cool: towards a deeper understanding of household energy consumption in Metro Manila, the Philippines Marlyne Sahakian Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies 2011
International trade, recycling and the environment: an empirical analysis. Pieter van Beukering Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 2001
Materials Management and Recycling for Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Rebecca Lankey Carnegie Mellon University 1998
From Material Flows to Cash Flows - An Extension to Traditional Material Flow Modelling Hanna Leena Pesonen University of Jyväskylä, Schol of Business and Economics, Finland 1999
Firm Strategies for an Environmentally Friendly Use of Materials: An Application of the Dematerialization Concept to the Environmental Management of Industrial Firms Julia Haake Universite de Versaille
Toward Environmentally Conscious Process Systems Engineering Via Joint Thermodynamic Accounting of Industrial and Ecological Systems Jorge Hau Ohio State University
Improving the Environmental Performance of Manufacturing Systems via Exergy, Techno-ecological Synergy, and Optimization Geoffrey Grubb The Ohio State University 2010
A Strategic Environmentally Conscious Production Decision Model Julie Ann Stuart Williams School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology 1996
The effects of remanufacturing on inventory control Erwin van der Laan Erasmus University 1997
Systematik von Abfallmengenabschätzungen (Systematics of waste quantities estimating/forecasting methods) Wolfgang Walk Darmstadt University 2011
In Search of a Useful Theory of Environmental Strategy-A Case Study on the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles from the Capabilities Perspective Frank Den Hond Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 1996
Materialising dematerialisation: integrated energy and materials systems engineering for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation Dolf Jean Gielen Delft University of Technology 1999
Industrial Symbiosis Model As The Improvement Strategy of The Sustainability Performance in The Industrial Estate Ahmad Mubin Symbiosis
Time- and Site-Dependent Life-Cycle Assessment of Thermal Waste Treatment Processes Stephanie Hellweg Safety and Environmental Technology Group Life-cycle
The Environmental Transformation of American Industry: An Institutional Account of Organziational Evolution in the Chemical and Petroleum Industries (1960-1993) Andrew Hoffman MIT 1995
Assessment of by-product exchange potential for industrial symbiosis in Islamabad Nadia Akhtar International Islamic University, Islamabad 2018 Symbiosis
Design and Financial Aspects of the End-of-Life Management of Telecommunications Products Ming Kaan Low Loughborough University, UK 1997
A new indicator for the assessment of anthropogenic substance flows to regional sinks Ulrich Kral Vienna University of Technology 2014
Dynamic and cumulative environmental impact assessment in life cycle assessment Bertrand LARATTE University of Technology of Troyes 2013 Life-cycle
Life cycle assessment of fertilisers produced in Algeria ali makhlouf Annaba University- Algeria 2015 Life-cycle
Life Cycle Assessment of Industrial Packaging for Chemicals Anastassia Manuilova Chalmers University of Technology Life-cycle
Eco-efficiency with Equilibrium Point of Ecological Carrying Capacity as Control Factor to Environmental Performance of Eco-industrial Parks Esther Nababan University of North Sumatera 2012 Symbiosis
Modeling and Assessment of Forest-based Drop-in Fuel Binod Neupane University of Maine 2015
A Logic of Corporate Environmentalism: Beyond-Compliance Environmental Policymaking in Baxter International Inc. and Eli Lilly and Company Aseem Prakash Joint Ph.D., School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Department of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington 1997
A Method for Formulating Product End-of-Life Strategies Catherine Rose Stanford University 2000
WEIGHTED SPECIES SENSITIVITY DISTRIBUTION METHOD TO DERIVE SITE-SPECIFIC QUALITY CRITERIA FOR COPPER IN TAI LAKE, CHINA RUI SHI State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China,etc. 2014
Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) based on ISO 14031 Tahereh Soleymani Angili 2006
A Disassembly Planning and Optimisation Methodology for Design Tracy Dowie Bhamra Machester Metropolitan University 1995
Reconciling Consumption and Conservation: Using An Exergy-based Measure of Consumption to Strengthen The Conceptual Framework of Industrial Ecology Lloyd Connelly University of California at Berkeley 1998
Life-Cycle Design for Environmental Quality of Products: Integrated Design System Fabio Giudice University of Catania, Italy 2000 Life-cycle
Municipal Materials Accounting and Environmental Management Fredrik Burstrom von Malmborg Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology 1998
Changing Consumer Behavior Through Eco-efficient Services: An Emperical Study on Car Sharing in The Netherlands Rens Meijkamp Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering 2000
Environmental Systems Analysis of Waste Management, with Emphasis on Substance Flows and Environmental Impact Anna Björklund Div of Industrial Ecology, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Royal Institute of Techology, Stockholm, Sweden 1998
Facts and Interpretations in Environmental Assessments of Products Magnus Bengtsson Chalmers University of Technology
Sustainable Production, Allocation and Consumption: Creating Steady-State Economic Structures in Industrial Ecology Christopher Bey University of Ediburgh
Sustainable Development of Refrigerator Systems Using Replacement Environmentally Acceptable Refrigerants Christopher Ciantar Bournemouth University 2000
A Market Research Study on Central and East European Countries for GE Sentinel Ishita Chaturvedi University of Leeds
Product-Oriented Environmental Management Frank De Bakker University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands 2001
Bilateral Industrial Symbiosis: An assessment of its potential in New south Wales to deal sustainably with manufacturing waste Robin Branson Sudney University, Australia; School of Geosciences 2011 Symbiosis
Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for Decision-Making: Scope-Dependent Inventory System Models and Context-Specific Joint Product Allocation Rolf Frischknecht Energy Technology Department, ETH Zuerich (now: ESU-services, Uster) 1998 Life-cycle
Economic Drama and the Environmental Stage. Formal Derivation of Algorithmic Tools for Environmental Analysis and Decision-Support from a Unified Epistemological Principle Reinout Heijungs Leiden University (Centre of Environmental Science) 1997
System Analysis of an Environmentally Sustainable Textile System Matthew Mahalik University of Virginia
Development of a Multicriteria Decision Support System for Integrated Technique Assessment Jutta Geldermann
Perspectives in Life Cycle Impact Assessment a Structured Approach to Combine Models of the Technosphere, Ecosphere and Valuesphere Patrick Hofstetter ETH Zurich 1998 Life-cycle
The QWERT/EE Concept, Qualifying Recyclability and Eco-Efficiency for End-of-Life Treatment of Consumer Electronic Products Jaco Huisman Delft University of Technology
Life Cycle Considerations in Sustainable Business Development.Eco-efficiency studies in Swedish industries. Reine Karlsson Department of Physical Resource Theory, School of Environmental Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University 1998 Life-cycle
Environmental consequences of food consumption: A modular life cycle assessment to evaluate product characteristics Niels Jungbluth Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Department of Environmental Sciences Natural - and Social Science Interface 2000 Life-cycle
Life Cycle Assessment of Building Products - Case studies and methodology Asa Jonsson Technical Environmental Planning, School of Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg 1998 Life-cycle
Recovery Strategies and Reverse Logistic Network Design Harold Krikke University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 1998
Life cycle assessment of PET Bottle amos ncube 2013 Life-cycle
Car Scrap-Throw It Away? or Make It Pay? Erik Ryden International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Sweden 1995
Green Gold; on variations of truth in plantation forestry Paul Romeijn Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands 1999
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Mid-rise Office Building Construction Alternatives: Laminated Timber or Reinforced Concrete Adam Robertson University of British Columbia 2011 Life-cycle
Electric Vehicle Batteries and the Environment: Assessing Recycling and Waste Management Nancy Lee Clark Steele UCLA 1995
Green Ideas in Business Lars Strannegard GRI, Goteborg University, Sweden 1998
Local systems, global impacts. Using life cycle assessment to analyse the potential and constraints of industrial symbioses Laura Sokka University of Helsinki 2011 Life-cycle
EcoDesign Empirically Explored Design for Environment in Dutch small and medium sized enterprises Carolien van Hemel TU Delft 1998
Modeling, simulation and assessment of the regional timber economy: From sustainable forestry to sustainable regional timber management Daniel Müller Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich 1998
Industrial Metabolism of Lead and Its Influence on National Economy Jiansu Mao Northeastern University, China 2003 Metabolism
Industrial Symbiosis in the Biofuel Industry: Quantification of the Environmental Performance and Identification of Synergies Michael Martin Linköping University- Environmental Technology and Management 2013 Symbiosis
Systems engineering analyzed, synthesized, and applied to sustainable industrial park development Cecilia Haskins NTNU, Trondheim, Norway 2008 Symbiosis
Application of Industrial Ecology Principles for Enhanced Resource Efficiency in Heavy Industrial Areas Artem Golev The University of Queensland 2013
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Rooftop Farming from a life cycle perspective Esther Sanyé-Mengual Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2015 Urban systems
Pattern, Process and Resilience of Industrial Ecosystem Yang Li
Environmental footprints: Assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment Kai Fang Leiden University 2015
Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making: Theories and practices Hernikke Baumann Chalmers University of Technology 1998 Life-cycle
Eco-design implementation for complex industrial system : From scenario-based LCA to the definition of an eco-innovative R&D projects portfolio Francois Cluzel Ecole Centrale Paris 2012
Research on an Integrated Model on Water Quantity and Quality for Water Resource Management in the Weihe Basin, China Osamu Higashi Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University 2007
Life Cycle Regulation of Transportation Fuels: Uncertainty and its Policy Implications Richard Plevin UC Berkeley 2010 Life-cycle
Science, Sulphur and Sustainability: Environmental Strategies of Mining in the Russian Kola Peninsula Olli Salmi Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 2008
Life cycle assessment of microalgal diesel and its policy implication Kullapa Soratana University of Pittsburgh 2012 Life-cycle
Approximate Life-Cycle Assessment of Product Concepts Using Learning Systems Ines Sousa MIT 2002 Life-cycle
Application of the Cleaner Production Framework to Develop Regional Synergies in Heavy Industrial Areas: A Case Study of Kwinana (Western Australia) Dick Van Beers Curtin University of Technology 2009
Coated Magnesium - designed for sustainability? Christina Meskers Delft University of Technology 2008
Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology; Dynamic Aspects of the Introduction and Dissemination of New Concepts in Industrial Practice Leo Baas Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands 2005
Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Supply Loops and their Constraints Roland Geyer Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, UK 2004
Mediating ecological interests by means of indicators John E Hermansen NTNU Department of Biology 2008
Life cycle environmental impacts of Double Skin Facades (DSFs) for office refurbishments in the UK Francesco Pomponi University of Brighton 2015 Life-cycle
Environmental evaluation of freshwater consumption within the framework of life cycle assessment Stephan Pfister ETH Zurich 2011 Life-cycle
Understanding and Improving Healthcare using Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and Evidence-Based Design Cassandra Thiel University of Pittsburgh 2013 Life-cycle
Life cycle assessment of lithium-ion traction batteries Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 2017
Life cycle-based optimization of physical exchanges in industrial networks Carl Vadenbo Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich 2013 Life-cycle
Industrial Symbiosis in the Biofuel Industry: Quantification of the Environmental Performance and Identification of Synergies Michael Martin Linköping University- Environmental Technology and Management 2013 Symbiosis
Can a small island be sustainable? The role of material stocks and livestock in shaping the sociometabolic transition of the past, present and future on the Greek island Samothraki. Dominik Noll Institute of Social Ecology, AAU, Austria 2021 Islands
Dynamic System Modelling of Rrelationships among Environmental Sustainability, Food System and Health Issues Tianchu Lu School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland 2018
Strategic sustainability and industrial ecology in the island context, with considerations for a green economy roadmap: A study in the tourism accommodation sector, Grenada John Telesford The Robert Gordon University 2014
Urban Ecosystem and Complexity Pierre-Alexandre Guillemette École de Technologie Supérieure 2015 Urban systems
Solar Photovoltaic Development in Australia: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Study Man(dy) Yu University of Graz 2014 Life-cycle
Prospective Environmental Impacts of Selected Low-Carbon Electricity Technologies Evert Bouman Norwegian University of Science & Technology 2015
A standard model for urban metabolism. Accounting material flows in metropolitan areas. Leonardo Rosado Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior Técnico 2012 Urban systems
Design and analysis of urban food systems for multiple sustainability objectives Dana Boyer University of Minnesota 2018 Urban systems
Thermodynamics and the Sustainability of Cities David Bristow University of Toronto
Challenges of Sustainable Urban Planning: the Case of Municipal Solid Waste Management Ning Ai Georgia Tech 2011 Urban systems
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a Public University- the Case of Three Selected Activities at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh 2013 Life-cycle
On the Possibilities of Life-Cycle Assessment: Development of methodology and review of case studies. Goran Finnveden Stockholm University 1998 Life-cycle
Industrial Ecological Concept Design with Energetic and Entropic Dynamics (It would be revised) Vehbi Caner Ocal Dokuz Eylul University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering 2015
Carbon footprints in developing countries: climate change mitigation through a socio-economic development perspective Moana Simas Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2018
Environmental Assessment of Resource and Energy Recovery in Waste Management Systems Melanie Haupt ETH Zürich 2018 Life-cycle
Data Mining Meets Life Cycle Assessment: Towards Understanding and Quantifying Environmental Impacts of Individual Households Andreas Froemelt ETH Zurich 2018 Urban systems
Economics of Lifecycle analysis and greenhouse gas regulations Deepak Rajagopal UC Berkeley 2009
A Mixed-Unit Input-Output Model For Life Cycle Assessment: Development, Uncertainty, and Application Troy Hawkins Carnegie Mellon University 2007 Input-Output
Mine waste or potential future resource: integrating Industrial Ecology thinking into a mine project Eléonore Lèbre Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland 2017
Urban-Scale Material Flow Analysis in a South African Context: A Cape Town Feasibility Study Paul Hoekman University of Cape Town 2015 Urban systems
The rebound effect through industrial ecology’s eyes : the case of transport eco-innovation David Font Vivanco Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University 2016
Sustainability assessment of agro-bioenergy systems using energy efficiency indicators Oludunsin Arodudu Potsdam University, Germany 2017 Life-cycle
Solid State Lighting: A Nano Enabled Case Study in Sustainability Andrea Hicks University of Illinois at Chicago 2014
Operationalizing Industrial Ecology in the Waste Sector: Roles and tactics for circular value innovation Graham Aid Linköpings Universitet 2017
Analysis of the Demagnetisation Process and Possible Alternative Magnetic Treatments for Naval Vessels Tim Baynes University of New South Wales, Australia 2002
Uncertainty and Variability in Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment Mark Huijbregts Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics Life-cycle
Accounting for Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste in the United States Jonathan Krones Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2016
Exploratory Study of Sustainable Industrial Solid Waste Management Systems Oliver Heidrich Newcastle University 2006
Resource Metabolism in Regional and Industrial Ecosystems Izhar Shah University of Ulsan 2020 Symbiosis
Environmental and Economic Take-Back Planning for Plastics From End-of-Life Computers Eric Masanet
The water metabolism of socio-ecosystems. Epistemology, methods and applications. Cristina Madrid Lopez Univertitat Autonoma Barcelona 2014 Metabolism
Perspectives of revitalization of Local Production Systems towards environmental sustainability Raffaella Taddeo Department of Economic Studies - University G. d'Annunzio - Pescara, Italy 2013
Multicriteria comparative analysis of systems of sewage treatment in swine production systems Marcio Gama Universidade Catolica de Brasília 2003
Environmental assessment of global site-specific industrial air pollution Christopher Oberschelp ETH Zurich 2021 Life-cycle
Substances from cradle to grave. Development of a methodology for the analysis of substance flows through the economy and the environment of a region, with case studies on cadmium and nitrogen compo Ester Van Der Voet Leiden University 1996
Exploring the potential of material flow analysis through case studies of nickel and stainless steel Barbara Reck Technische Universität Berlin, Germany 2012
Frames in the Toxicity Controversy: Based on the Dutch chlorine debate and the Swedish PVC debate Arnold Tukker Tilburg University 1998
Sustainable Chemical Processes and Products Gijsbert Korevaar Delft University of Technology 2004
Quantifying the Transition to Low-Carbon Cities Eugene Mohareb University of Toronto 2012
Linking the urban form to environmental and health impacts with a life-cycle approach Joana Bastos University of Coimbra 2017 Urban systems
The Challenge of Industrial Symbiosis - A scientific contribution to the development of industrial symbiosis: a Portuguese case study Ines Costa Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico 2011 Symbiosis
Cleaner Production in Practice: methodology development for environmental improvement of industrial production and evaluation of practical experiences (352 pages) Rene Van Berkel University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996
Assessment of Environmental Life Cycle Approach for Industrial Materials and Products Steven Young University of Toronto 1996 Life-cycle
Coordinated Resource Management in Regional Industrial Ecosystems Weslynne Ashton Yale University 2008
A Framework for Effectiveness-based Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing – A Product Life Cycle Approach Manish Kumar Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 2024 Life-cycle
Creating transparency in global value chains and their environmental impacts to support sustainability policies Livia Cabernard ETH Zurich 2022 Input-Output
Cars on a Diet: The Material and Energy Impacts of Passenger Vehicle Weight Reduction in the U.S. Lynette Cheah Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2010
Rolling Out the Anthropogenic Aluminum Cycle: With Foci on Temporal, Geographical, and Emission Perspectives Gang Liu Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2012
Methodology for capturing environmental, social and economic implications of industrial symbiosis in heavy industrial areas Biji Kurup Curtin University, Australia 2007 Symbiosis
The political economy of the industrial transformation of the United Kingdom. Work, society’s metabolism and socio-economic development Heinz Schandl University of Vienna 2001 Metabolism
Toxic Equivalency: Addressing Human Health Effects in Life Cycle Impact Assessment Edgar Hertwich Energy and Resources Group, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 1999 Life-cycle
Weighing the Importance of Urban Built Environment Stocks for Sustainability. A Danish Case Study. Maud Lanau University of Southern Denmark, Department of Green Technology 2020 Metabolism
The Properties and Effects of Metro Network Designs Sybil Derrible University of Toronto 2010
A thermodynamic perspective on technologies in the Anthropocene: Analyzing environmental sustainability Wenjie Liao Leiden University 2012
The Role of Champions in Establishing Eco Industrial Parks Anne Hewes Antioch New England Graduate School Symbiosis
Engineering Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency Jonathan Cullen University of Cambridge 2010