Biomass to Energy Pathways: Assessment of Lignocellulose-based Fuel Production Technologies |
Sabrina Spatari |
University of Toronto |
2007 |
Structuration of Knowledge on Process Design and Evaluation for Risk-Based Decision Making |
Yasunori Kikuchi |
The University of Tokyo |
2009 |
System Expansion and Allocation in Life Cycle Assessment - With Implications for Wastepaper Management |
Tomas Ekvall |
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden |
1999 |
Life-cycle |
Life Cycle Assessment of Silica Sand Exploitation and Processing in Croatia |
Anamarija Grbes |
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering |
2014 |
Life-cycle |
Improving Meterial Management to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions |
Marko Hekkert |
Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht, the Netherlands) |
2000 |
Blending Optimization of biodiesel produced with waste and virgin oils |
Carla Caldeira |
University of Coimbra- MIT Portugal Programe |
2012 |
The External Costs of Air Pollution and the Environmental Impact of the Consumer in the US Economy |
H Scott Matthews |
Carnegie Mellon University |
1999 |
Incorporating Biogeochemical Cycles and Utilizing Complexity Theory for Sustainability Analysis |
The Ohio State University |
2012 |
Integrating Occupational Health into Life Cycle Assessment |
Kelly Scanlon |
The George Washington University |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Les symbioses industrielles : une nouvelle stratégie pour l’amélioration de l’utilisation des ressources matérielles et énergétiques par les activités économiques |
Guillaume Massard |
Université de Lausanne |
2011 |
The Development of Sustainability Evaluation Framework for Biomass-to-energy Supply Chain Systems. |
2015 |
Sustainable Management on Waste Reuse: a systemic process |
Andres Acero |
Universidad de los Andes |
2019 |
Integrating Spatial Implications into Solving Life-Cycle Challenges of Biofuels and Industrial Symbiosis |
Briana Niblick |
University of Pittsburgh |
2013 |
Symbiosis |
Closing Carbon Cycles - Carbon use for Materials in the Context of Resource efficiency and Climate Change |
Martin Patel |
Utrecht University |
1999 |
A systems approach to delivering a world class waste solution - Cloosing the Material Loop |
Jade-Ashlee Cox |
University of Surrey |
New Hampshire’s Societal Metabolism: Material Flows and the Industry-Human-Nature Connection |
Deana Aulisio |
University of New Hampshire |
2016 |
Metabolism |
Criticality of Byproduct Materials: Assessing Supply Risk, Environment Impact, and Strategic Policy Response for Tellurium |
Michele Bustamante |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
2016 |
Packaging Waste Management: Life Cycle Analysis of Various Packaging Materials in Greece and their Consequences on the Quality of the Environment |
Dimitrios Georgakellos |
University of Piraeus, Department of Business Administration |
1997 |
Life-cycle |
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Agricultural Systems: Integration Into Decision-Making |
Sarah Cowell |
University of Surrey |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Supply Chain Management Assessment of Sustainability within Bioenergy Supply Chain Management. |
Alessandro Sanches Pereira |
2012 |
Urban metabolism of the informal economy |
Louise Guibrunet |
University College London |
Urban systems |
Estimation of Environmental Implications of Construction Material and Designs Using Life Cycle Assessement Techniques (Bridges and Pavement) |
Arpad Horvath |
Carnegie Mellon |
1997 |
Life-cycle |
Collective action and coordinations regional dynamics in Industrial Ecology projects: the case of the bio-based construction materials |
Jeremie Joubert |
Troyes University of Technology - ADEME (french national agency for environmental policy) - C&B Construction et Bioressources (association) |
Life cycle sustainability assessment of palm oil biodiesel: Insights into opportunities and challenges for balancing of 3Ps (people, profit, and planet) |
Dr. Yosef Manik |
University of Maine |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Developing decision support systems towards participatory modelling: building foundations for circular economy in urban metabolism and renewable energy. |
Annie McCabe |
University of Queensland |
2017 |
Urban systems |
A Study on Regional Resource Recycling Zones of Construction Byproduct Aiming at a Dematerialized and Decarbonized Society |
Keijiro Okuoka |
Nagoya University |
2013 |
Socio-metabolic trade patterns: An investigation of concepts and methods |
Anke Schaffartzik |
Alpen-Adria Universitaet Klagenfurt-Graz-Wien |
2015 |
Metabolism |
Stochastic Multi attribute Analysis for Comparative Life Cycle Assessement |
Valentina Prado Lopez |
Life-cycle |
Integrated Techno-economic and Environmental Analysis in Support of Biorefinery Technology Commercialization and Product Scheme Decision-making |
Carter Reeb, Ph.D. |
North Carolina State University |
2015 |
Evaluating the life cycle climate impacts of solid waste management |
David Turner |
University of Southampton |
2016 |
Life-cycle |
Spatial variation in interaction of the semi-myrmecophyte Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) with ants and other invertebrates |
Megha Shenoy |
Indian Institute of Science |
2007 |
Environmental evaluation of carbon capture and storage technology and large scale deployment scenarios |
Bhawna Singh |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
2011 |
Resource efficiency of wood-plastic composites: Identifying secondary material substitution potentials and an environmentally sound end-of-life treatment |
Philipp Sommerhuber |
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Biology |
2016 |
Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making Theory - Practice-oriented Product Assessment on the Basis of Societal Values |
Sven Lundie |
Universität Lüneburg, Fachbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
1997 |
Energy Metabolism of Canada, a temporal study from 1990-2011 |
Abdullah Toseef |
University of Waterloo |
2017 |
Metabolism |
Promoting sustainable production in industrial regions |
Anne Velenturf |
Estimation of Resource Productivity and Efficiency: An Extended Evaluation of Sustainability Related to Material Flow |
Pin-Chih Wang |
National Taipei University |
2014 |
life cycle optimization for waste management system |
Guangwu Chen |
Life-cycle |
A Multi-Stakeholder Abridged Environmentally Conscious Design Approach |
Frank O'Connor |
University of Glamorgan, UK |
2000 |
Resilience Analysis and Value of Information with Application to Aviation Biofuels |
Elizabeth Connelly |
University of Virginia |
2016 |
Supporting the Industrial Symbiosis Practice: Emergence and Sustainability of Self-Organized Industrial Symbiosis Networks |
Luca Fraccascia |
Politecnico di Bari |
2017 |
Symbiosis |
Carbon emissions in China |
Zhu LIU |
Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2013 |
Socio-Ecological Priniciples and Indicators for Sustainability |
John Holmberg |
Goteborg University, Sweden. |
1995 |
Life cycle and CO2 analysis of a student residential building in Ningbo, China |
Francisco Javier Jimenez |
NTNU and University of Nottingham in China |
2017 |
Life-cycle |
From feedstocks to final products: Mapping the global petrochemical supply chain |
Peter Levi |
Greening the tiger? Social movements' influence on adoption of environmental technologies in the pulp and paper industries of Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand |
David A. Sonnenfeld |
UC Santa Cruz |
1996 |
Creating socioeconomic ties, and Proximity in Industrial Symbiosis: comparison of three innovative approaches |
Jambou Maël |
University of Technology of Troyes |
2018 |
Symbiosis |
An Approach to Dynamic Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment by Evaluating Structural Economic Sequences |
Thomas Gloria |
Tufts University |
2000 |
Life-cycle |
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Economic and Environmental Implications of Using Natural Gas to Power On-Road Vehicles in the United States |
Fan TONG |
Carnegie Mellon University |
2016 |
Selection of sustainable product improvement alternatives [online]. |
Anthony Halog |
Karlsrueh Institute of Technology |
2002 |
Managing human-induced material use: adding cyclic inter-sectoral flows to physical input-output tables to analyse the environmental impact of economic activity |
Aleix Altimiras-Martin |
University of Cambridge |
2015 |
Input-Output |
Systems Analysis of Stock Buffering: Development of a Dynamic Substance Flow-Stock Model for the Identification and Estimation of Future Resources, Waste Streams and Emissions |
Ayman Elshkaki |
Leiden University |
2007 |
Measuring the Impact of Tourism on Water Resources: alternative frameworks |
Michalis Hadjikakou |
University of Surrey |
2014 |
Food, Feed, Fuel, Timber or Carbon Sink? Towards sustainable land-use systems - a consequential life cycle approach |
Miguel Brandão |
Centre for Environmental Strategy, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey |
2012 |
Life-cycle |
Staying Cool: towards a deeper understanding of household energy consumption in Metro Manila, the Philippines |
Marlyne Sahakian |
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies |
2011 |
International trade, recycling and the environment: an empirical analysis. |
Pieter van Beukering |
Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam |
2001 |
Materials Management and Recycling for Nickel-Cadmium Batteries |
Rebecca Lankey |
Carnegie Mellon University |
1998 |
From Material Flows to Cash Flows - An Extension to Traditional Material Flow Modelling |
Hanna Leena Pesonen |
University of Jyväskylä, Schol of Business and Economics, Finland |
1999 |
Firm Strategies for an Environmentally Friendly Use of Materials: An Application of the Dematerialization Concept to the Environmental Management of Industrial Firms |
Julia Haake |
Universite de Versaille |
Toward Environmentally Conscious Process Systems Engineering Via Joint Thermodynamic Accounting of Industrial and Ecological Systems |
Jorge Hau |
Ohio State University |
Improving the Environmental Performance of Manufacturing Systems via Exergy, Techno-ecological Synergy, and Optimization |
Geoffrey Grubb |
The Ohio State University |
2010 |
A Strategic Environmentally Conscious Production Decision Model |
Julie Ann Stuart Williams |
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology |
1996 |
The effects of remanufacturing on inventory control |
Erwin van der Laan |
Erasmus University |
1997 |
Systematik von Abfallmengenabschätzungen (Systematics of waste quantities estimating/forecasting methods) |
Wolfgang Walk |
Darmstadt University |
2011 |
In Search of a Useful Theory of Environmental Strategy-A Case Study on the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles from the Capabilities Perspective |
Frank Den Hond |
Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) |
1996 |
Isam Alyaseri |
2014 |
Life-cycle |
Filipe Moura |
Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon |
2009 |
Materialising dematerialisation: integrated energy and materials systems engineering for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation |
Dolf Jean Gielen |
Delft University of Technology |
1999 |
Industrial Symbiosis Model As The Improvement Strategy of The Sustainability Performance in The Industrial Estate |
Ahmad Mubin |
Symbiosis |
Time- and Site-Dependent Life-Cycle Assessment of Thermal Waste Treatment Processes |
Stephanie Hellweg |
Safety and Environmental Technology Group |
Life-cycle |
The Environmental Transformation of American Industry: An Institutional Account of Organziational Evolution in the Chemical and Petroleum Industries (1960-1993) |
Andrew Hoffman |
1995 |
Assessment of by-product exchange potential for industrial symbiosis in Islamabad |
Nadia Akhtar |
International Islamic University, Islamabad |
2018 |
Symbiosis |
Design and Financial Aspects of the End-of-Life Management of Telecommunications Products |
Ming Kaan Low |
Loughborough University, UK |
1997 |
A new indicator for the assessment of anthropogenic substance flows to regional sinks |
Ulrich Kral |
Vienna University of Technology |
2014 |
Dynamic and cumulative environmental impact assessment in life cycle assessment |
Bertrand LARATTE |
University of Technology of Troyes |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Life cycle assessment of fertilisers produced in Algeria |
ali makhlouf |
Annaba University- Algeria |
2015 |
Life-cycle |
Life Cycle Assessment of Industrial Packaging for Chemicals |
Anastassia Manuilova |
Chalmers University of Technology |
Life-cycle |
Eco-efficiency with Equilibrium Point of Ecological Carrying Capacity as Control Factor to Environmental Performance of Eco-industrial Parks |
Esther Nababan |
University of North Sumatera |
2012 |
Symbiosis |
Modeling and Assessment of Forest-based Drop-in Fuel |
Binod Neupane |
University of Maine |
2015 |
A Logic of Corporate Environmentalism: Beyond-Compliance Environmental Policymaking in Baxter International Inc. and Eli Lilly and Company |
Aseem Prakash |
Joint Ph.D., School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Department of Political Science, Indiana University, Bloomington |
1997 |
A Method for Formulating Product End-of-Life Strategies |
Catherine Rose |
Stanford University |
2000 |
State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China,etc. |
2014 |
Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) based on ISO 14031 |
Tahereh Soleymani Angili |
2006 |
Pin-Chih Wang |
National Taipei University |
2009 |
A Disassembly Planning and Optimisation Methodology for Design |
Tracy Dowie Bhamra |
Machester Metropolitan University |
1995 |
Reconciling Consumption and Conservation: Using An Exergy-based Measure of Consumption to Strengthen The Conceptual Framework of Industrial Ecology |
Lloyd Connelly |
University of California at Berkeley |
1998 |
Life-Cycle Design for Environmental Quality of Products: Integrated Design System |
Fabio Giudice |
University of Catania, Italy |
2000 |
Life-cycle |
Municipal Materials Accounting and Environmental Management |
Fredrik Burstrom von Malmborg |
Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology |
1998 |
Changing Consumer Behavior Through Eco-efficient Services: An Emperical Study on Car Sharing in The Netherlands |
Rens Meijkamp |
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering |
2000 |
Environmental Systems Analysis of Waste Management, with Emphasis on Substance Flows and Environmental Impact |
Anna Björklund |
Div of Industrial Ecology, Dept of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Royal Institute of Techology, Stockholm, Sweden |
1998 |
Facts and Interpretations in Environmental Assessments of Products |
Magnus Bengtsson |
Chalmers University of Technology |
Sustainable Production, Allocation and Consumption: Creating Steady-State Economic Structures in Industrial Ecology |
Christopher Bey |
University of Ediburgh |
Lilian Bechara Elabras Veiga |
2007 |
Symbiosis |
Sustainable Development of Refrigerator Systems Using Replacement Environmentally Acceptable Refrigerants |
Christopher Ciantar |
Bournemouth University |
2000 |
A Market Research Study on Central and East European Countries for GE Sentinel |
Ishita Chaturvedi |
University of Leeds |
Product-Oriented Environmental Management |
Frank De Bakker |
University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands |
2001 |
Bilateral Industrial Symbiosis: An assessment of its potential in New south Wales to deal sustainably with manufacturing waste |
Robin Branson |
Sudney University, Australia; School of Geosciences |
2011 |
Symbiosis |
Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for Decision-Making: Scope-Dependent Inventory System Models and Context-Specific Joint Product Allocation |
Rolf Frischknecht |
Energy Technology Department, ETH Zuerich (now: ESU-services, Uster) |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Economic Drama and the Environmental Stage. Formal Derivation of Algorithmic Tools for Environmental Analysis and Decision-Support from a Unified Epistemological Principle |
Reinout Heijungs |
Leiden University (Centre of Environmental Science) |
1997 |
System Analysis of an Environmentally Sustainable Textile System |
Matthew Mahalik |
University of Virginia |
Development of a Multicriteria Decision Support System for Integrated Technique Assessment |
Jutta Geldermann |
Perspectives in Life Cycle Impact Assessment a Structured Approach to Combine Models of the Technosphere, Ecosphere and Valuesphere |
Patrick Hofstetter |
ETH Zurich |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
The QWERT/EE Concept, Qualifying Recyclability and Eco-Efficiency for End-of-Life Treatment of Consumer Electronic Products |
Jaco Huisman |
Delft University of Technology |
Life Cycle Considerations in Sustainable Business Development.Eco-efficiency studies in Swedish industries. |
Reine Karlsson |
Department of Physical Resource Theory, School of Environmental Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Environmental consequences of food consumption: A modular life cycle assessment to evaluate product characteristics |
Niels Jungbluth |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Department of Environmental Sciences Natural - and Social Science Interface |
2000 |
Life-cycle |
Life Cycle Assessment of Building Products - Case studies and methodology |
Asa Jonsson |
Technical Environmental Planning, School of Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Recovery Strategies and Reverse Logistic Network Design |
Harold Krikke |
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands |
1998 |
Life cycle assessment of PET Bottle |
amos ncube |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Car Scrap-Throw It Away? or Make It Pay? |
Erik Ryden |
International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University, Sweden |
1995 |
Green Gold; on variations of truth in plantation forestry |
Paul Romeijn |
Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands |
1999 |
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Mid-rise Office Building Construction Alternatives: Laminated Timber or Reinforced Concrete |
Adam Robertson |
University of British Columbia |
2011 |
Life-cycle |
Electric Vehicle Batteries and the Environment: Assessing Recycling and Waste Management |
Nancy Lee Clark Steele |
1995 |
Green Ideas in Business |
Lars Strannegard |
GRI, Goteborg University, Sweden |
1998 |
Local systems, global impacts. Using life cycle assessment to analyse the potential and constraints of industrial symbioses |
Laura Sokka |
University of Helsinki |
2011 |
Life-cycle |
EcoDesign Empirically Explored Design for Environment in Dutch small and medium sized enterprises |
Carolien van Hemel |
TU Delft |
1998 |
Modeling, simulation and assessment of the regional timber economy: From sustainable forestry to sustainable regional timber management |
Daniel Müller |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
1998 |
Industrial Metabolism of Lead and Its Influence on National Economy |
Jiansu Mao |
Northeastern University, China |
2003 |
Metabolism |
Industrial Symbiosis in the Biofuel Industry: Quantification of the Environmental Performance and Identification of Synergies |
Michael Martin |
Linköping University- Environmental Technology and Management |
2013 |
Symbiosis |
Systems engineering analyzed, synthesized, and applied to sustainable industrial park development |
Cecilia Haskins |
NTNU, Trondheim, Norway |
2008 |
Symbiosis |
Application of Industrial Ecology Principles for Enhanced Resource Efficiency in Heavy Industrial Areas |
Artem Golev |
The University of Queensland |
2013 |
Sustainability Assessment of Urban Rooftop Farming from a life cycle perspective |
Esther Sanyé-Mengual |
Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
2015 |
Urban systems |
Pattern, Process and Resilience of Industrial Ecosystem |
Yang Li |
Environmental footprints: Assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment |
Kai Fang |
Leiden University |
2015 |
Life Cycle Assessment and Decision Making: Theories and practices |
Hernikke Baumann |
Chalmers University of Technology |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Eco-design implementation for complex industrial system : From scenario-based LCA to the definition of an eco-innovative R&D projects portfolio |
Francois Cluzel |
Ecole Centrale Paris |
2012 |
Research on an Integrated Model on Water Quantity and Quality for Water Resource Management in the Weihe Basin, China |
Osamu Higashi |
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University |
2007 |
Philippa Notten |
University of Cape Town |
2002 |
Life-cycle |
Life Cycle Regulation of Transportation Fuels: Uncertainty and its Policy Implications |
Richard Plevin |
UC Berkeley |
2010 |
Life-cycle |
Science, Sulphur and Sustainability: Environmental Strategies of Mining in the Russian Kola Peninsula |
Olli Salmi |
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland |
2008 |
Life cycle assessment of microalgal diesel and its policy implication |
Kullapa Soratana |
University of Pittsburgh |
2012 |
Life-cycle |
Approximate Life-Cycle Assessment of Product Concepts Using Learning Systems |
Ines Sousa |
2002 |
Life-cycle |
Application of the Cleaner Production Framework to Develop Regional Synergies in Heavy Industrial Areas: A Case Study of Kwinana (Western Australia) |
Dick Van Beers |
Curtin University of Technology |
2009 |
Coated Magnesium - designed for sustainability? |
Christina Meskers |
Delft University of Technology |
2008 |
Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology; Dynamic Aspects of the Introduction and Dissemination of New Concepts in Industrial Practice |
Leo Baas |
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
2005 |
Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Supply Loops and their Constraints |
Roland Geyer |
Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, UK |
2004 |
Mediating ecological interests by means of indicators |
John E Hermansen |
NTNU Department of Biology |
2008 |
Life cycle environmental impacts of Double Skin Facades (DSFs) for office refurbishments in the UK |
Francesco Pomponi |
University of Brighton |
2015 |
Life-cycle |
Environmental evaluation of freshwater consumption within the framework of life cycle assessment |
Stephan Pfister |
ETH Zurich |
2011 |
Life-cycle |
Stephan Pfister |
Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich |
2011 |
Life-cycle |
Understanding and Improving Healthcare using Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and Evidence-Based Design |
Cassandra Thiel |
University of Pittsburgh |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Life cycle assessment of lithium-ion traction batteries |
Linda Ager-Wick Ellingsen |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) |
2017 |
Life cycle-based optimization of physical exchanges in industrial networks |
Carl Vadenbo |
Institute of Environmental Engineering, ETH Zürich |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
Industrial Symbiosis in the Biofuel Industry: Quantification of the Environmental Performance and Identification of Synergies |
Michael Martin |
Linköping University- Environmental Technology and Management |
2013 |
Symbiosis |
Can a small island be sustainable? The role of material stocks and livestock in shaping the sociometabolic transition of the past, present and future on the Greek island Samothraki. |
Dominik Noll |
Institute of Social Ecology, AAU, Austria |
2021 |
Islands |
Dynamic System Modelling of Rrelationships among Environmental Sustainability, Food System and Health Issues |
Tianchu Lu |
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland |
2018 |
Strategic sustainability and industrial ecology in the island context, with considerations for a green economy roadmap: A study in the tourism accommodation sector, Grenada |
John Telesford |
The Robert Gordon University |
2014 |
Urban Ecosystem and Complexity |
Pierre-Alexandre Guillemette |
École de Technologie Supérieure |
2015 |
Urban systems |
Solar Photovoltaic Development in Australia: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment Study |
Man(dy) Yu |
University of Graz |
2014 |
Life-cycle |
Prospective Environmental Impacts of Selected Low-Carbon Electricity Technologies |
Evert Bouman |
Norwegian University of Science & Technology |
2015 |
A standard model for urban metabolism. Accounting material flows in metropolitan areas. |
Leonardo Rosado |
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior Técnico |
2012 |
Urban systems |
Design and analysis of urban food systems for multiple sustainability objectives |
Dana Boyer |
University of Minnesota |
2018 |
Urban systems |
Thermodynamics and the Sustainability of Cities |
David Bristow |
University of Toronto |
Challenges of Sustainable Urban Planning: the Case of Municipal Solid Waste Management |
Ning Ai |
Georgia Tech |
2011 |
Urban systems |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a Public University- the Case of Three Selected Activities at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh |
Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain |
Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh |
2013 |
Life-cycle |
On the Possibilities of Life-Cycle Assessment: Development of methodology and review of case studies. |
Goran Finnveden |
Stockholm University |
1998 |
Life-cycle |
Industrial Ecological Concept Design with Energetic and Entropic Dynamics (It would be revised) |
Vehbi Caner Ocal |
Dokuz Eylul University, The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering |
2015 |
Carbon footprints in developing countries: climate change mitigation through a socio-economic development perspective |
Moana Simas |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
2018 |
Environmental Assessment of Resource and Energy Recovery in Waste Management Systems |
Melanie Haupt |
ETH Zürich |
2018 |
Life-cycle |
Data Mining Meets Life Cycle Assessment: Towards Understanding and Quantifying Environmental Impacts of Individual Households |
Andreas Froemelt |
ETH Zurich |
2018 |
Urban systems |
Economics of Lifecycle analysis and greenhouse gas regulations |
Deepak Rajagopal |
UC Berkeley |
2009 |
A Mixed-Unit Input-Output Model For Life Cycle Assessment: Development, Uncertainty, and Application |
Troy Hawkins |
Carnegie Mellon University |
2007 |
Input-Output |
Mine waste or potential future resource: integrating Industrial Ecology thinking into a mine project |
Eléonore Lèbre |
Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland |
2017 |
Urban-Scale Material Flow Analysis in a South African Context: A Cape Town Feasibility Study |
Paul Hoekman |
University of Cape Town |
2015 |
Urban systems |
The rebound effect through industrial ecology’s eyes : the case of transport eco-innovation |
David Font Vivanco |
Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University |
2016 |
Sustainability assessment of agro-bioenergy systems using energy efficiency indicators |
Oludunsin Arodudu |
Potsdam University, Germany |
2017 |
Life-cycle |
Solid State Lighting: A Nano Enabled Case Study in Sustainability |
Andrea Hicks |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
2014 |
Operationalizing Industrial Ecology in the Waste Sector: Roles and tactics for circular value innovation |
Graham Aid |
Linköpings Universitet |
2017 |
Analysis of the Demagnetisation Process and Possible Alternative Magnetic Treatments for Naval Vessels |
Tim Baynes |
University of New South Wales, Australia |
2002 |
Uncertainty and Variability in Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment |
Mark Huijbregts |
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics |
Life-cycle |
Accounting for Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste in the United States |
Jonathan Krones |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
2016 |
Exploratory Study of Sustainable Industrial Solid Waste Management Systems |
Oliver Heidrich |
Newcastle University |
2006 |
Resource Metabolism in Regional and Industrial Ecosystems |
Izhar Shah |
University of Ulsan |
2020 |
Symbiosis |
Environmental and Economic Take-Back Planning for Plastics From End-of-Life Computers |
Eric Masanet |
The water metabolism of socio-ecosystems. Epistemology, methods and applications. |
Cristina Madrid Lopez |
Univertitat Autonoma Barcelona |
2014 |
Metabolism |
Perspectives of revitalization of Local Production Systems towards environmental sustainability |
Raffaella Taddeo |
Department of Economic Studies - University G. d'Annunzio - Pescara, Italy |
2013 |
Multicriteria comparative analysis of systems of sewage treatment in swine production systems |
Marcio Gama |
Universidade Catolica de Brasília |
2003 |
Environmental assessment of global site-specific industrial air pollution |
Christopher Oberschelp |
ETH Zurich |
2021 |
Life-cycle |
Substances from cradle to grave. Development of a methodology for the analysis of substance flows through the economy and the environment of a region, with case studies on cadmium and nitrogen compo |
Ester Van Der Voet |
Leiden University |
1996 |
Exploring the potential of material flow analysis through case studies of nickel and stainless steel |
Barbara Reck |
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany |
2012 |
Frames in the Toxicity Controversy: Based on the Dutch chlorine debate and the Swedish PVC debate |
Arnold Tukker |
Tilburg University |
1998 |
Sustainable Chemical Processes and Products |
Gijsbert Korevaar |
Delft University of Technology |
2004 |
Quantifying the Transition to Low-Carbon Cities |
Eugene Mohareb |
University of Toronto |
2012 |
Linking the urban form to environmental and health impacts with a life-cycle approach |
Joana Bastos |
University of Coimbra |
2017 |
Urban systems |
The Challenge of Industrial Symbiosis - A scientific contribution to the development of industrial symbiosis: a Portuguese case study |
Ines Costa |
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico |
2011 |
Symbiosis |
Cleaner Production in Practice: methodology development for environmental improvement of industrial production and evaluation of practical experiences (352 pages) |
Rene Van Berkel |
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1996 |
Assessment of Environmental Life Cycle Approach for Industrial Materials and Products |
Steven Young |
University of Toronto |
1996 |
Life-cycle |
Coordinated Resource Management in Regional Industrial Ecosystems |
Weslynne Ashton |
Yale University |
2008 |
A Framework for Effectiveness-based Sustainability Assessment in Manufacturing – A Product Life Cycle Approach |
Manish Kumar |
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
2024 |
Life-cycle |
Creating transparency in global value chains and their environmental impacts to support sustainability policies |
Livia Cabernard |
ETH Zurich |
2022 |
Input-Output |
Cars on a Diet: The Material and Energy Impacts of Passenger Vehicle Weight Reduction in the U.S. |
Lynette Cheah |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
2010 |
Rolling Out the Anthropogenic Aluminum Cycle: With Foci on Temporal, Geographical, and Emission Perspectives |
Gang Liu |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
2012 |
Methodology for capturing environmental, social and economic implications of industrial symbiosis in heavy industrial areas |
Biji Kurup |
Curtin University, Australia |
2007 |
Symbiosis |
The political economy of the industrial transformation of the United Kingdom. Work, society’s metabolism and socio-economic development |
Heinz Schandl |
University of Vienna |
2001 |
Metabolism |
Toxic Equivalency: Addressing Human Health Effects in Life Cycle Impact Assessment |
Edgar Hertwich |
1999 |
Life-cycle |
Weighing the Importance of Urban Built Environment Stocks for Sustainability. A Danish Case Study. |
Maud Lanau |
University of Southern Denmark, Department of Green Technology |
2020 |
Metabolism |
The Properties and Effects of Metro Network Designs |
Sybil Derrible |
University of Toronto |
2010 |
A thermodynamic perspective on technologies in the Anthropocene: Analyzing environmental sustainability |
Wenjie Liao |
Leiden University |
2012 |
The Role of Champions in Establishing Eco Industrial Parks |
Anne Hewes |
Antioch New England Graduate School |
Symbiosis |
Engineering Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency |
Jonathan Cullen |
University of Cambridge |
2010 |