Environmentally Extended Input Output Section
The purpose of this Section is to develop environmentally extended input output analysis internationally in academia and to promote its application in policy and businesses. This includes establishing and maintaining cooperation with international organizations, companies, and government organizations. The section may collaborate with the International Input Output Association when organizing its activities.”
More specifically, the section may engage in the following activities:
- discussing and developing best practices in EE IO methodology.
- providing a platform for exchange of EE IO data in a common format, or mutual support between members in data development.
- providing a platform for exchange of operational procedures and scripts.
- engaging with National Statistical Offices and similar bodies such as EUROSTAT, UN Statistical Division, FAO, and others, to improve official data and methodologies used in EE IO.
- engaging with other professional organizations in the field, most notably IIOA.
- organizing dedicated EE IO tracks during ISIE conferences, other suitable conferences, or organizing smaller workshops/events on EE IO.
- promoting applications of EE IO in poltical and corporate decision-making.
- disseminating advancements of science in EE IO to non-academic audiences.