Public Policy


Welcome to the ISIE Public Policy section which is often abbreviated as policy section. The aim of the policy section is to enhance the policy impact of industrial ecology and promote policy research in industrial ecology. We welcome any ISIE members with an interest in policy and real-world impact.

Why this section?

Industrial ecology shows that material and energy flows are fundamental to human society. It also shows that managing these flows is essential to addressing global environmental problems like climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. At the same time, it is increasingly apparent that government action is crucial to addressing these challenges. While industrial ecology has engaged extensively with policymakers, many ISIE members are interested in further increasing our policy relevance and impact. The importance of policy is also apparent in the mission statement of the ISIE, which aims to “promote the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy, community development, and industrial practices”. The policy section responds to the needs of ISIE members, and fits with the societal mission of the ISIE, by providing a platform for supporting initiatives that enhance members’ capacity to engage in policy-relevant research and shape public policy. Great – sign me up! You must be a member of the ISIE to become a member of the section (there is no additional cost). You can become a member by turning on the section in the website. To do that, please go to (you will need to log in if you aren’t already). Then scroll down to the Sections heading and click the toggle next to Public Policy. For the latest activities, please check the News and Events

Great – sign me up!

You must be a member of the ISIE to become a member of the section (there is no additional cost). You can become a member by turning on the section in the website. To do that, please go to (you will need to log in if you aren’t already). Then scroll down to the Sections heading and click the toggle next to Public Policy.

For the latest activities, please check the News and Events.

You can contact us by email at