ISIE Webinars
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ISIE Industry Webinar: Gershman, Brickner & Bratton Inc. Solid Waste Consultants - Kent County Sustainable Business Park
Jennifer Porter, Senior Vice President at Gershman, Brickner & Bratton Inc. (GBB), gave the ISIE Student Section a webinar on March 30th on GBB's flagship project: the Kent Sustainable Business Park.
Wyatt Williams, Student Chapter Board Member and Consultant for GBB, also presented some of the technical aspects of the park and the corresponding analysis.
The slides are available at this link:
More information on GBB is available here:
More information on the Kent County Sustainable Business Park is available here:
Jennifer Porter's and Wyatt Williams' LinkedIn profiles are available below:
Jennifer -
Wyatt -
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An introduction to MultipliCity - an online data warehouse for stocks and flows information.
This is a recording of ISIE SUS Webinar Series: An introduction to MultipliCity - an online data warehouse for stocks and flows information.
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ISIE SUS Webinar Series - Part One: Sustainability Through The World's Cities with Prof. Daniel Hoornweg
This is a recording of ISIE SUS Webinar Series - Part One: Sustainability Through The World's Cities with Prof. Daniel Hoornweg
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Open Data Visualisation Tools - Rick Lupton & André Cabrera Serrenho
Dr. Rick Lupton, Research Associate with the Use Less Group at the University of Cambridge, and lead developer of the FloWeaver project.
Dr. André Cabrera Serrenho, Research Associate in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, expert in dynamic stock modelling.
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Dynamic Material Flow Analysis with Python - Stefan Pauliuk
Stefan Pauliuk is assistant professor for sustainable material and energy flow management at the Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, Germany, where he leads the research group “Industrial Ecology Freiburg.”
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Open MFA with STAN - Oliver Cenčič
Oliver Cenčič is a research associate at the Institute for Water Quality and Resource Management at TU Wien, Austria, and lead developer of the free MFA software STAN.
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Big Coupled Data for Sustainable Urban Systems: Examples from Los Angeles - Stephanie Pincetl
Dr. Stephanie Pincetl is a Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Director of the California Center for Sustainable Communities at UCLA.
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Consumption-Based Carbon Footprints of Global Cities - Tommy Wiedmann
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Consumption-Based Carbon Footprints of Global Cities - Tommy Wiedmann
Dr. Thomas (Tommy) Wiedmann, Associate Professor and Program Leader of the Sustainability Assissment Program, University of New South Wales
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Urban Density - Decoupling Costs and Benefits - Clinton Andrews
Clinton Andrews, Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Rutgers Center for Green Builidng
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Open LCA: Tools and Trends - Andreas Ciroth and Chris Mutel
Andreas Ciroth, founder of GreenDelta, and Chris Mute, scientist at the Paul Scherrer Institut
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Open Science: An Introduction - Geoffrey Boulton
Geoffrey Boulton, Regius Professor of Geology Emeritus, University of Edinburgh and President of the Committee on Data for Science nd Technology (CODATA).
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Towards a Common Language and Data Structure for Resource Management
Daniel B. Mueller, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Science-Policy Interface in Material Flow Analysis: Lessons from Japanese and International Activities
Yuichi Moriguchi, The University of Tokyo
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Socio-metabolic regimes and transitions between them
Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Institute for Social Ecology, Vienna
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