The Journal of Industrial Ecology is an international, multi-disciplinary bimonthly designed to foster both understanding and practice in the emerging field of industrial ecology. Industrial ecology is a rapidly-growing field that systematically examines local, regional and global materials and energy uses and flows in products, processes, industrial sectors and economies. It focuses on the potential role of industry in reducing environmental burdens throughout the product life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, to the production of goods, to the use of those goods and to the management of the resulting wastes.
Editorial Department
The Editor-In-Chief of the JIE is Reid Lifset, Research Scientist, Resident Fellow in Industrial Ecology, and Associate Director of the Industrial Environmental Management Program at the Yale School of the Environment. A European editorial office is hosted by the Industrial Ecology Programme at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and an Asian editorial office is hosted by Tsinghua University (清华大学). A list of the full editorial board can be found here.
Current Funders
The Journal of Industrial Ecology is supported by the School of the Environment and the Center for Industrial Ecology at Yale University. Additional funding is provided by the Joel Omura Kurihara Fund, the Nickel Institute, GE, A-1 Recycling, the Raw Materials Group Stockholm, and AT&T.
To contact the editor, send e-mail to indecol@yale.edu.