This forum is not regularly monitored by SEM section members - please use other channels for discussion!

Stefan Pauliuk

Dear colleagues and SEM section members,

there are many ways for you to connect with the global SEM and MFA research communites and engage with your colleages globally.

The SEM Section Board has discussed the use of this forum multiple times. Eventually, we have agreed and voted on not supporting this infrastructure, simply because it is far from attracting a critical mass of contributions from section members to be an effective place for exchange. In fact, there hasn't been a single post for the last six years.

We believe that for forum-like activites, LinkedIn, WeChat, and other social media channels are a better platform. And our many in-person and online conferences and seminars, of course!

Having said that, the ISIE homepage is a very active place and a cental hub for the global SEM/MFA community! In particular, we recommend checking the SEM section homepages for the material shared there:  Our section members are very active in posting announcements via You can find a summary of all activities of the past month in the ISIE member newsletter that is sent out at the beginning of each month.


Best regards,

The 2023-2024 SEM Section Board.


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