Society Prize
The Society Prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to the field of industrial ecology. There are no specific requirements for this award, which could be centred on a single particular accomplishment or those of a career. It is the ISIE's highest recognition of professional achievement and presented biennially.
Laudise Medal
The Laudise Medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in industrial ecology by a researcher under the age of 36. It is endowed by AT&T in memory of Robert Laudise and presented biennially.
Eligibility criteria for Laudise Medal:
- Active member of ISIE for at least 2 years by the time of the nomination call
- Early career stage (younger than 36 years of age by 30th of June of the year of the call).
- Eligibility can be extended for reasons including career breaks, maternity/paternity, chronic ill health issues, disability, natural disasters, political turmoil or war.
Criteria for Laudise Medal:
- Scientific track record showing great promise
- Main research activity in and major contribution to the field of Industrial Ecology
- Engagement in ISIE sections or other activities highly appreciated
Deadline for Nominations: May 10, 2025
Nominations should include the following:
- A letter of nomination outlining the nominee’s significant contributions
- A curriculum vitae, and, for the Laudise Prize, certification of the age of the nominee; if applicable, please indicate the duration and work load during leaves of absence or part-time employment due to reasons of maternity/paternity, chronic ill health issues, disability, natural disasters, political turmoil, or war.
- A bibliography for the nominee
- A minimum of two and no more than four supporting letters. (no more than half of the letters may be from individuals currently or recently associated with the nominee’s institution of graduate education or employment).
Nominations will be accepted until the end of the day on May 10, 2025, by email at
Winners will be selected from the nominees by the ISIE Awards Committee.
Former winners of the ISIE 's awards: International Society for Industrial Ecology Awards