Systematik von Abfallmengenabschätzungen (Systematics of waste quantities estimating/forecasting methods)

Adequate waste data is not always available when it comes to environmental policy making, to waste management concepts, or to planning of waste treatment capacities. Decisions are oftentimes based on estimates and forecasts. The analysis of 52 case studies shows that there is no established procedure but a variety of applied methods for estimating and forecasting waste quantities. A systematics as guidance for choosing appropriate methods is developed by means of complementing the case study analysis with theoretical considerations. As an example, this systematics is applied to forecast discarded TV sets and waste computer monitors.

Where to find

Shaker Verlag (ISBN 978-3-8440-0389-5)

Author Wolfgang Walk
Institution Darmstadt University
Advisor Prof. L. Schebek
Expected graduation 2011