Perspectives of revitalization of Local Production Systems towards environmental sustainability

The research project concerns the investigation of potential solutions, in the framework of Industrial Ecology, for the valorization/revitalization of Local Production Systems (LPSs), promoting their transition towards more sustainable models of local development, such as the Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) model. Common features between the LPS and the EIP model, first of all the geographic proximity of companies, highlight a kind of “suitability” of the LPS model to evolve towards more sustainable models of local development; despite of this, few experiences of implementing Eco-Industrial Parks have been undertaken also in countries such as Italy, characterized by a widespread presence of LPSs. In particular, my research project seeks to investigate what existing preconditions (socio-technical-economic) could promote or prevent the transition process, and if such preconditions may be exploited to define the most suitable solution to apply in different context.

Author Raffaella Taddeo
Institution Department of Economic Studies - University G. d'Annunzio - Pescara, Italy
Degree Doctoral
Expected graduation 2013