Eco-efficiency with Equilibrium Point of Ecological Carrying Capacity as Control Factor to Environmental Performance of Eco-industrial Parks

Environmental performance of eco-industrial parks is based on concept of eco-efficiency which combine both, economic growth and environmental performance. Economic indicators and environmental indicators in evaluating eco-efficiency are related to an organization's control of its environmental aspects, based upon its environmental policy, objective and targets. This leads to subjectivity in performance measurement, in which both costs and gains are constructed from subjectively selected value-items. Consequently, it can happen that eco-efficiency increases while environmental quality reduces. Hence, the existence of a control factor is required. It is necessary to develop strategies in order to reduce the speed of environmental degradation by taking into account a factor that could serve as controllers. In this work we present analysis of how carrying capacity can be functioned as a control factor in endeavoring to increase environmental performance of eco-industrial parks. By adding in carrying capacity as control factor, all activities to increase environmental performance can be conducted within a boundary or area within which balance of carrying capacity is maintained, and enviromental performance can be increased without reducing quality of environment.

Filed under

Industrial Symbiosis and Eco-industrial Development

Author Esther Nababan
Institution University of North Sumatera
Advisor Prof. Dr. A. R. Matondang, MSIE ; Prof. Dr. Alvi Sayhrin, M.Si. ; Dr. Chairul Muluk
Degree Doctoral
Expected graduation 2012