With more than 500 members, the Socio-Economic Metabolism (SEM) Section supports and promotes research on human energy and material use and its link to economic performance, social outcomes, and environmental impacts. Our section members’ research on resource use dynamics of socio-economic systems across different geographical scales operates as a reliable source of knowledge and advice for government and industry to deliver solutions for sustainable resource use.
The new section homepage on https://is4ie.org/sections/metabolism is THE entry point to the global SEM research community. We showcase recent research highlights, feature several prominent policy and industry applications of SEM research, document the section’s history, and compiled a number of member spotlights.
On the new community resources page https://is4ie.org/sections/metabolism/pages/323, we list seminal papers, the main databases, software repositories, video channels, and educational material that is openly available to support SEM research globally. The page also lists the main textbooks and community standards that guide the research towards high transparency and reproducibility.
Please tell your colleagues, team members, and students about this new homepage and SEM research portal!
Every section member is welcome to submit proposals for additional material and corrections to metabolism@is4ie.org