About Us

The Sustainable Urban Systems Section (SUS Section) of the ISIE is concerned with applying methods of Industrial Ecology towards the sustainable development of cities, their supporting hinterlands, and the networked infrastructure that connects them. This is an applied, cross-cutting section in which various IE methods, such as LCA, MFA, EIO, complex systems theory and thermodynamics, are applied at the urban scale. Issues addressed include (but are not limited to): developing urban infrastructure for low carbon cities; urban waste management and material recycling; urban transportation; green buildings; sustainable water and nutrient management; urban energy systems; resilient cities; adapting cities to climate change, and provision of infrastructure for the urban poor. Practical solutions to these issues are informed through study of urban ecology, urban metabolism and the dynamics of city growth. Membership of the section is broad ranging, including: urban planners, architects, geographers, engineers, economists, scientists, and others.


The purpose of the SUS Section is to engage practitioners and researchers by providing a platform for multidisciplinary systems approaches to understand, plan, build, and manage sustainable, healthy, and resilient cities.


The SUS Section aims to provide an active platform of interaction between the scientific community, practitioners, policy makers, students and whoever might be interested in the analysis, research and development of sustainable urban systems. Consequently, the SUS section goals are:

  1. To provide a platform to disseminate the Industrial Ecology approach and methods towards sustainable and resilient urban areas.
  2. To develop a useful and activate networking platform for easy and direct interaction between its members.
  3. To promote the engagement of a multidisciplinary community to work on the application of IE methods and research to encourage a shift towards feasible sustainable, healthy and resilient urban areas.


The SUS Section envisions a future where the research, practice and application of IE methods and multiple disciplinary systems approach are widely understood and applied in a holistic, multidisciplinary scientific analysis, design and development of sustainable urban systems.

Social Media

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12650565/