
The aim of the policy section is to enhance the policy impact of industrial ecology and promote policy research in industrial ecology. The section has the following objectives:

  1. Promote collaboration between ISIE members seeking policy influence (policy impact of research) and/or study policy (policy as a research topic).
  2. Increase the awareness of industrial ecology approaches among policymakers, such as pollution prevention, lifecycle thinking, and circular economy.
  3. Co-produce policy-relevant knowledge with policymakers and industry through transdisciplinary methods and knowledge exchange.
  4. Develop industrial ecologists’ awareness, knowledge, and skills related to interdisciplinary policy-relevant teaching and research.
  5. Advance the integration of industrial ecology methods (e.g., MFA, LCA, EEIO) into policy research and policymaking development.
  6. Advance the evaluation of the effectiveness of policies deriving from industrial ecology approaches, such as waste and circular economy policies.
  7. Engage social scientists (e.g., law, economics, decision science, governance, politics, sociology, science and technology studies) with industrial ecology.

The section organizes or supports a range of activities, such as the following:

  1. Training for ISIE members in policy sciences and policy impact of research (e.g., webinars, conference sessions).
  2. Training for policy practitioners in industrial ecology methods and evidence (e.g., webinars, workshops).
  3. Networking activities to connect section members and engage with third parties (e.g., conference side events).
  4. Research activities focused on public policy (e.g., special issues, conference sessions, grant writing sessions, and workshops).
  5. Dissemination of relevant opportunities (e.g., newsletter), such as new publications, trainings, research grants, and policy placements.
  6. Support for research dissemination (e.g., events, policy briefs) and knowledge exchange (e.g., workshops with researchers and policymakers).

The section does not take policy stances on behalf of the ISIE but rather seeks to empower members to engage with public policy.

If you are interested in working with us on delivering such activities, please contact us by email at policysection@is4ie.org.