The primary governing body of the SEM section is the Section Board, as defined in the SEM section bylaws:
The Section Board consists of at least 4 and up to 8 elected members, including a Chair, Vice- Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and possible other funtions. All board members are elected by the membership for terms of two years and may be re-elected for additional terms.
The Chair is elected by the membership directly and may serve for no more than two successive terms.
Additional board functions are determined by the Section Board as needed.
The last election was held in December 2024 for the period corresponding to the years 2025 to 2026.
- Peter Berrill, CML Leiden
- Romain Billy, NTNU Trondheim
- Zhi Cao, Nankai University
- Wu Chen, University of Southern Denmark
- Christoph Helbig, University of Bayreuth
- Maud Lanau, Chalmers University of Technology
- Shoshanna Saxe, University of Toronto
- Takuma Watari, NIES Japan
The previous board members (2023-2024) were:
Chair: Stefan Pauliuk, University of Freiburg
Vice-Chair: Ichiro Daigo, University of Tokyo and Anastasia Papangelou, University of Antwerp
Secretary: Tomer Fishman, Leiden University
Treasurers: Peter-Paul Pichler, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Web Editor and Communication Strategists: Zhi Cao, Nankai University and Christoph Helbig, University of Bayreuth
Industry Liason: Shweta Singh, Purdue University
The functions and responsibilities of each board member are either defined in the bylaws or proposed by the current board members, according to the purpose and necessities of the SEM Section.