Anne Hewes
ecomaineecomaine | |
Cape Elizabeth, Maine, United States | |
Member ID | 0066 |
Member since | Sep 03, 2001 |
Status | Active |
Dr. Hewes served on the IS/EIDC Advisory Board and is the Environmental Manager of ecomaine, located in New England in the USA. She is responsible for managing ISO 14001 EMS & ISO 45001 OH&S certifications and continuous improvement in environmental protection at the Waste-to-Energy power plant, single-sort Recycling Facility and the 274 acre Ashfill & Landfill. She is a Geologist with an M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Environmental Science and over 40 years’ experience in environmental consulting and academic research. She has been a Delegate to the United Nations Conferences for Sustainability in Johannesburg, South Africa (WSSD) in 2002 and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Rio+20) in 2012. She has been to all 7 continents and is a member of The Explorers Club.Research Interests
Industrial Symbiosis, Grounded Theory, Ethnography; Environment & Energy; District Heating.Key sections of her research reduced qualitative research of EIP champions into "Day in the Life of Valdemar Christensen" and "Day in the Life of PLowitt" the research fell along "Who They Are" and "What They Do"