Francesca Verones
Member ID 0571
Member since Jan 08, 2015
Status Active


I am a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I focus on advancing the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) to improve and complement this widely used assessment approach. I mainly work on improving and developing models related to impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems. My current work is related to developing models for projected impacts on aquatic, marine and terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, due to energy generation (hydropower, wind power and powerlines), water consumption, land use, as well as marine plastics and marine invasive species. Moreover, I am chair of a task force of the life cycle initiative hosted by UN Environment on ecosystem quality within Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), co-chair of the GLAM project of the life cycle initiative and I am leading the effort to operationalize LC-Impact, a novel, spatially-differentiated LCIA method.

Research Interests

Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, land use and land use change, the marine environment, freshwater, modeling, scenarios

Website contributions from this member

24 Feb 2021 Results 2021 ISIE Elections