Nobantu Mtimde
Makwande Group (Pty) Ltd
Hartbeespoort, South Africa
Member ID 4006
Member since Sep 18, 2023
Status Active


My name is Nobantu Mtimde and I am passionate about accelerating the Circular Economy by creating and implementing industrial ecological systems throughout multiple sectors.


I am a student at the University of South Africa. I am currently studying towards a BA Degree in International Relations and I aim to major in Futuristic Studies. I am also passionate about the development of trade relations related to secondary material flows within the continent.

Furthermore, I am an entrepreneur - having started an asset disposal business in 2011. Our business has adopted the principles of a CE and we have since transitioned our offering to focus on resource recovery. We use Industrial Ecology as the guiding framework through which we are able to service and support our clients in the mining and manufacturing sector in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

I am a member of the African Circular Economy Network and the Circular Economy Coalition. I also provide workshop facilitation services on topics relating to CE.

Research Interests

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