Rebekka Volk
Karlsruhe, Germany
Member ID 3984
Member since Sep 06, 2023
Status Active


PD Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk is an industrial engineer doing research in industrial ecology and the assessment of urban and industrial systems. She aims for a more sustainable/circular economy and has experience specifically in building deconstruction, mineral and plastic recycling, drone-based image processing and sustainable urban development. Rebekka works with different assessment (techno-economic, environmental), optimization and decision making methods to answer her research questions. She heads a research group on "Project and Resource Management in the Built Environment" at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with numerous third-party funded projects.


Rebekka Volk studied industrial engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2005-2011). Then, she worked as a research associate at the Institute for Industrial Production at KIT and the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation and Innovation Centre (ECIC) at University of Adelaide (2011-2016). In 2016, she successfully finished her Dr.-Ing. (PhD) with distinction (summa cum laude).
Since 2016, she heads the research group „Project and Resource Management in the Built Environment“ at the Institute for Industrial Production (IIP) and the French-German Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU). In 2022, she completed her habilitation and since 2023, she is a certified “KIT-Nachwuchsgruppenleiterin” (junior head of research group) with currently 10 fulltime academic researchers and 2-3 part-time student researchers.
She is (co-)author of 34 peer-reviewed journal papers, 11 books and research reports, 4 book chapters and around 60 peer-reviewed conference contributions (oral, proceedings and posters). Highly cited articles in Automation Construction (>1300 citations) and Journal of Industrial Ecology (“Top Cited Article 2021-2022”) show her scientific impact.

Research Interests

- Modeling and project planning under uncertainty, scheduling, Operations Research, Decision Support
- Techno-economic and ecological analysis and optimization of urban and industrial systems
- Urban Mining
- Resource Management, Resource efficiency, Circular Economy, Greenhouse Gas Quantification
- Sustainable district management
- Selective deconstruction and disassembly optimization
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