Stefan Giljum
Institute for Ecological Economics / Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Vienna, Austria
Member ID 0337
Member since Nov 14, 2010
Status Active


Stefan Giljum heads the research group „Global Resource Use“ at the Institute for Ecological Economics of the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Stefan focuses his research on global assessments of natural resource use, environmental impacts and the links to globalisation, trade and development issues. For this, he combines methodologies from earth observation, environmental accounting and input-output modelling.
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Website contributions from this member

01 Jul 2024 PhD Position in Spatially Explicit Global Supply Chain Modelling
12 Aug 2020 ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference on “Spatially explicit SEM research”
01 Aug 2012 Green economies around the world? The role of resource use for development and the environment