Johan Berg Pettersen
NTNU Industrial Ecology
Member ID 2889
Member since Jun 18, 2021
Status Active


Associate professor in life cycle assessment and sustainable production at NTNU Industrial Ecology Programme, and Head of studies in energy and sustainability at NTNU Faculty of Engineering. I teach industrial ecology and sustainable engineering to our undergraduate students, and contribute life cycle thinking and LCA elements to a variety of graduate level courses.


After completing PhD in Industrial Ecology in 2007 I have worked with applied life cycle assessment (LCA) to a wide variety of product systems, including oil/gas extraction, transport and infrastructure, and space technologies. I co-founded and managed an LCA consultancy in Norway, and worked as researcher and lecturer in adjunct positions at NTNU, University of Agder (UiA), and UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. I have been engaged in the establishment and development of innovation clusters within the aquaculture supply industry, and water technologies.

Since 2017 I am employed full time at NTNU, with responsibilities towards study programs, teaching and research activity.

Research Interests

My main interest in the use and development of methods for life cycle-based environmental decision support, lately with increasing emphasis on circular economy and resource efficiency. I specific interest in using these methods to discuss aquaculture, manufacturing and materials production (aluminium, alumina, silicon), household durables, and municipal waste management.
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