Stefan Pauliuk
University of Freiburg
Freiburg, Germany
Member ID 0256
Member since Jan 23, 2010
Status Active


Sustainability researcher, University of Freiburg, Germany


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Research Interests

Sustainable material cycles, ecological macroeconomics, scenario modelling
View CV

Website contributions from this member

15 Oct 2024 Maud Lanau
11 Oct 2024
03 Oct 2024 Diana Ita-Nagy
30 Sep 2024 Call for contributions: Review to establish ‘stylized facts’ for the Circular Economy
25 Sep 2024 Online seminar: Scenario modelling of urban metabolism – recent progress and research trends, Nov. 6
24 Sep 2024 Yuan Yao
20 Sep 2024 Kangkang Tong
27 Aug 2024 Huge success in Beijing: The 2024 Joint ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism and Asia-Pacific Conference gathered more than 300 IE researchers
30 Jul 2024 New guidelines and good practice examples: traceable workflows and reproducibility of results in industrial ecology research
30 Jun 2024 Session 16: New avenues for macro-economic modelling under global constraints: The HARMONEY, MARCO, and MEDEAS models
17 Jun 2024 Call for applications to host the 2026 ISIE-SEM conference
31 May 2024 Beijing conference update: Abstract submission til June 20, dynamic MFA with Pyhton pre-conference mini summer school
03 May 2024 Full Professorship (W3) for Sustainability Assessment of Technical Systems - University of Freiburg, Germany
30 Apr 2024 Flawed 'LCA' study on AI gives false impression about the state-of-the-art in environmental assessment
16 Nov 2023 Major update of the industrial ecology data commons
31 Jul 2023 Outcome of the breakout groups during the SEM section meeting in Leiden
25 May 2023 Feedback and input solicited: Collection of good practice examples for traceability and reproducibility industrial ecology research
28 Apr 2023 Online seminar on Sustainable Development Beyond Green Growth
29 Mar 2023 Advertisement for elective track “Sustainability Assessment and Transformation” (M.Sc. level) at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
20 Feb 2023 5th anniversary of the industrial ecology open online course (IEooc)
30 Jan 2023 Abstract submission to 2023 ISSST conference (June 13-15) still possible
30 Jan 2023 Online seminar on Rebound effects of renewable energies and circular economy
18 Jan 2023 Session 13: >>Sustainable use of forest biomass<< of the Perpetual Online Conference of the Socioeconomic Metabolism Section
02 Aug 2022 Update of the Industrial Ecology Open Online Course (IEooc)
03 Jun 2022 Sustainability and Transitions Research: Taking the High Road
02 May 2022 Characterisation factors for the material footprint for ecoinvent 3.7.1/3.8+openLCA available
04 Aug 2021 Industrial Ecology open online course (IEooc) now with sections on circular economy and energy & sustainability
30 Jul 2021 IE Day 2021 session recordings now available
30 Jun 2021 IE Day Poster Awards
09 Jun 2021 New Guidelines for Data Modeling and Data Integration for Material Flow Analysis
10 Feb 2021 Call for session proposals to all ISIE members – Industrial Ecology Day June 21, 2021
09 Feb 2021 Industrial Ecology open online course (IEooc) online for 3 years now
26 Jun 2020 Guideline Proposal for Data Modelling in MFA - Request for feedback from section members
07 Apr 2020 ISIE 2020 Election results
20 Dec 2019 Major update of the industrial ecology database now available!
25 Nov 2019 Make sustainability science a cumulative effort!
03 Sep 2019 Good Scientific Practice in Industrial Ecology - A Factsheet
09 May 2019 Research infrastructure needs for industrial ecology - Some reflections to spur a discussion during this year’s conference season.
24 Oct 2018 Industrial Ecology Data Commons Prototype is now online
15 May 2018 Open Science Infrastructure for Industrial Ecology
31 Jan 2018 Industrial Ecology open online course (IEooc)
25 Jun 2017 Industrial ecologists: Make research results available!
26 Mar 2017 Post from Dr. Stefan Pauliuk
26 Mar 2017 Task force on data transparency
24 Oct 2016 Post from Dr.Stefan Pauliuk Material flow cost accounting and climate policy