Francisco Xavier Felix Martin del Campo
École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Laboratory on Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systems (HERUS)École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Laboratory on Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systems (HERUS) | |
Lausanne, Switzerland | |
Member ID | 2229 |
Member since | Oct 07, 2020 |
Status | Active |
Francisco has a Civil Engineering background specialized in Resources Management. He received his Master’s degree in Project Management for Environmental and Energy Engineering from IMT Atlantique, and has 6+ years of professional experience in the construction and engineering sector. Recently, he graduated from his PhD in Sustainability Management from the University of Waterloo, Canada. His main research is focused on understanding the basics defining the relation society-environment for the global advance towards sustainable development. He utilizes systems thinking, innovative, technic and methodologic abilities, and also interdisciplinary methods, concepts, and tools applied to sustainability management. Currently, his research analyzes the built environment, circular economy potentials, material flows & stocks, the water-energy-food nexus, climate change impacts, resilience, and more to help in the transition towards a sustainable, resilient, and resource-secure system, with a special interest in resource-stressed settings like small island states.Details
Francisco has a background in Civil Engineering specialized in Resources Management. He received his Master’s degree in Project Management for Environmental and Energy Engineering from IMT Atlantique, and has more than six years of professional experience in the construction and engineering sector. Now he has finalized his PhD in Sustainability Management from the University of Waterloo. His research interests are focused on understanding the basics defining the relation society-environment to achieve society's sustainable development, particularly in small island states. He strives to accomplish this through analyzing their resource-use dynamics from a socio-metabolic research perspective.Publications:
Martin del Campo, F., Singh, S. J., Fishman, T., Noll, D., Thomas, A., & Drescher, M. (2023). “Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas”. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 27, 491-507. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13369
Martin del Campo, F., Singh, S.J., Mijts, E. (2023). “The resource (in)sufficiency of the Caribbean: Analyzing socio-metabolic Risks (SMR) of Water, Energy, and Food”. Front. Clim. 5:1085740. doi:10.3389/fclim.2023.1085740
Martin del Campo, F., Singh, S. J., Fishman, T., Thomas, A., & Drescher, M. (2023). “The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development”. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.13402.