Mitchell van der Hulst
Radboud University, Department of Environmental Science
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Member ID 2189
Member since Jun 22, 2020
Status Active


Mitchell van der Hulst is researching ways to quantify the environmental impact of novel technologies. Using life cycle assessment as a methode, he tries to predict future impacts of technologies under development by supplementing the sparsely available knowledge of the novel technology using a systematic model of assumptions and extrapolations. The impact predictions serve as an insight for decision making during technological development to steer towards a final product or service with a lowest possible environmental impact.


โ— Master Chemistry – Radboud University
Specialization Molecular Chemistry
» MSc major internship – Department of Development and Technical Support, Aspen Oss bv, the Netherlands – Supervisors: prof. dr. F.P.J.T. Rutjes, prof. dr. M.A.J. Huijbregts, dr. L.J. van den Bos, dr. F. van der Pijl – Transition of the ethynylation on steroids from a batch to a flow process – A study on viability and environmental impact reduction potential.
» MSc minor internship – Laboratory of Green Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy – Supervisors: prof. dr. Luigi Vaccaro, prof. dr. F.P.J.T. Rutjes, dr. F. Ferlin – Optimization of 2-phenylbenzoxazole synthesis through manganese catalyzed C–H activation with OMS-2 for implementation in flow.
» MSc literature thesis – Department of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Radboud University – Supervisor: prof. dr. F.P.J.T. Rutjes – Secondary mining – The extraction of metals from the environment for re-use: a survey of literature reviews
โ— Bachelor Chemistry – Radboud University
Minor Environmental Chemistry
» BSc internship – Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University – Supervisor: prof. dr. A.M.J. Ragas - Effects of mercury emission by the RWE power plant Eemshaven on the Dollard.

โ— Francesco Ferlin, Mitchell K. van der Hulst, Stefano Santoro, Daniela Lanarib, Luigi Vaccaro (2019) Continuous flow/waste-minimized synthesis of benzoxazoles catalysed by heterogeneous manganese systems. Green Chemistry, 21, 5298-5305. DOI: 10.1039/C9GC01641D

Research Interests

Industrial Ecology; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); prospective LCA; ex-ante LCA; technological development; emerging technologies; learning curves; experience curves; technology scale up; integrated LCA; integrated assessment modelling (IAM); brightway2; photovoltaic (PV); plastic waste treatment.