Lin Shi
Amazon Lab126
Vancouver, Canada
Member ID 1868
Member since Apr 17, 2019
Status Active


Lin Shi is a research scientist with Amazon Lab126. Her current research focuses on the supply chain sustainability in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry.


Lin Shi is a research scientist with Amazon Lab126. Her current research focuses on the supply chain sustainability in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry.

Prior to joining Stanford, Lin was an environmental engineer at Apple, where she worked on environmental metrics. From 2012-2014, as a graduate research assistant in the Yale Center for Industrial Ecology, she conducted analysis of by-products, energy and heat sharing of paper and sugar manufacturing facilities. In 2013, she was an Environmental Defense Fund Climate Corps Fellow assigned to the Boston Medical Center’s Energy Management Office, where she helped to develop energy efficiency strategy.

Lin comes from Chengdu, China, and received a BA in Mathematics and Environmental Studies at Knox College, and a Masters of Environmental Management at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.

Research Interests

My area of research is supply chain sustainability of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry. My research objective is to explore approaches to evaluating, communicating, and mitigating the life cycle environmental impacts of ICT products, focusing specifically on supply chains.