The Faculty of Science and Institute of Environmental Sciences at Leiden University are looking for 3 PhD candidates and 1 Postdoctoral fellow.

Research at our Institute

The Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) is positioned in the Faculty of Sciences. The core business of CML is to perform research and education in the interdisciplinary field of Environmental Sciences. CML has two Departments: Industrial Ecology (CML-IE) and Conservation Biology (CML-CB). Presently, over 90 FTE (including postdocs and PhDs) are employed at CML. CML collaborates with the TU Delft and Erasmus University (Rotterdam) in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability (LDE-CfS) and Centre for Metropoles and Mainports (LDE-CMM).

Improving the prospective LCA methodology in the context of Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) technologies

New technologies with a substantially reduced environmental footprint are required for a successful transition to a circular economy. Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) technologies may play an important role in reducing our society’s impacts on climate change by making additional uses of already existing carbon sources, e.g., carbon contained in waste gases from power plants or the steel industry. However, these technologies are still in early development stages and need to be guided from an environmental perspective in order to identify and select the most promising options. Prospective Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology to guide technology development already at early design stages and explore future development pathways. Within an upcoming project on this topic, we will be able to hire one PhD candidate and one postdoctoral fellow for a starting date of 1 January 2019.

More about these vacancies:

EIT-Raw Materials project “Physical AccouNts Of RAw MAterial stock and flow information service” (PANORAMA)

Our push toward newer forms of clean energy and increasing technological advancement drive a growing need for (critical) materials in society. In order to improve their reuse potential and minimize overall waste, we require a thorough understanding of how these materials flow through the industrial and residential sectors, including their inclusion in various products and their current stocks in the anthroposphere. We are looking for 2 PhD candidates to join our team at the CML-Industrial Ecology (IE) department to work within the EIT-Raw Materials project “Physical AccouNts Of RAw MAterial stock and flow information service” (PANORAMA) starting ultimately per 1 January 2019. These new members will interact with various EU partners to analyse the vast amounts of data for various materials and assess their production and fate within the European Union.

More about these vacancies:

Applications for the second position and their associated reference letters should be emailed to Dr José Mogollón, email, Dr Bernhard Steubing, email, or Professor Arnold Tukker, email Deadline of submissions is on 30 October 2018.

On the job market

Some industrial ecology candidates that are on the job market...

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