Yale University was a historical leader in establishing Industrial Ecology as a field of study. Today, it has a range of research in the field. In addition to Marian Chertow and Edgar Hertwich at the Center for Industrial Ecology, there are Julie Zimmerman and Paul Anastas at the Center for Green Chemistry and there is industrial ecology related work done by Karen Seto. The School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and the Environmental Engineering Program have a wide range of research that may be of interest to PhD students.

Students apply to PhD programs once a year like they apply to study programs. Programs are highly competitive in their admission. PhDs focusing on industrial ecology are possible through the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and the School of Engineering. The School of Forestry & Environmental Studies offers a 5-year stipend. A completed master degree is strongly recommended. The school also offers a Master Of Environmental Science degree, which is a good preparation.  The Schoool of Engineering finances only the first year of study, although candidates have a good record of obtaining fellowships.  An engineering undergraduate degree is sufficient for admission. The application deadline in 2 January.

More information is available from the Center for Industrial Ecology.

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