Post-doc position SLCA and CDR technologies

A postdoctoral research position is available for expertise in Sustainability Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) for emerging technologies, with focus area of carbon capture and removal (CDR) technologies.    We seek a researcher who can collaborate on SLCA efforts and apply new methods for evaluation of the projected impacts of the full-scale CDR technologies' development.  This position requires a strong LCA background as well as familiarity with a variety of CDR technologies (marine, soil, and subsurface domains).  

The position will be funded by Tel Aviv University in collaboration with variety of research teams from different universities in Israel and with the ECE group at IIASA, Austria. The successful candidate will work closely with a diverse research group led by Professor Vered Blass (TAU, IIASA). The responsibilities of the applicant include developing relevant assessment methods including SLCA farmwork with other measurement metrics. Contributing to project reports and publishing in peer-reviewed journals is expected. 

Funding is available for up to 4 years, depending on performance and project development.   The position requires spending time in Israel and Austria, however, there is flexibility in living location.  A monthly stipend (tax-free) will be paid according to the Tel Aviv University post-doc stipend levels.  Interested candidates should send a (1) cover letter; (2) statement of research interests that includes recent accomplishments and how this position will help achieve your career objectives; (3) current curriculum vitae; and (4) the names of three references (please include email addresses and phone numbers).  Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until the position is filled. Start date is ASAP.  Questions about the position or application materials should be sent to Professor Vered Blass,  

  • Application deadline: Jun 30, 2025
  • Tel Aviv University and IIASA
  • Tel Aviv and Vienna
  • Postdoc Positions
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