Doctoral Researcher on “Life Cycle Assessment of seasonal heat storage technologies”

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), Faculty of Natural Sciences III, Institute of Geology and Geography offers the following position:

 Doctoral Researcher

on “Life Cycle Assessment of seasonal heat storage technologies”

 Starting date: January 2024 or earlier/later, limited to 3 years, 75 per cent of full-time employment.

The salary conforms to the regulations of pay group 13 TV-L depending on the nature of the assigned tasks as well as the candidate’s individual qualifications.


We are an international team of geologists, environmental scientists and engineers with a special interest in interdisciplinary research. A strong focus is on geoenergy and the development of environmentally beneficial strategies for natural resource management. The overarching goal of the PhD project is the development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) models for the comparison of different seasonal heat storage variants. These models will be used to evaluate the environmental performance of demo sites in Finland and Germany. These will also serve as general frameworks to contrast the environmental benefits and impacts of alternative storage solutions. A key task will be setting up the models with validated data. This will be complemented by refining Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) indicators to account for the specifics of the studied storage technologies.



  • Development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) models of selected heat storage technologies
  • Detailed data survey for setting up state-of-the-art life cycle inventories (LCI)
  • Comparison of case-specific and general LCA results for storage alternatives
  • Expansion of existing Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) frameworks
  • Cooperation with international partners for joint implementation and practical application
  • Co-supervision of students
  • Publication of high-quality scientific results



  • Master or equivalent degree in a project-related field (e.g. environmental, energy, geosciences)
  • Experience in LCA theory, concepts, applications and software (SimaPro, Brightway, OpenLCA, etc.)
  • Very good skills in methods of data gathering, management and processing
  • Knowledge of programming and thermodynamics is advantageous
  • Fluent in English writing and speaking. Knowledge of German is an advantage
  • A clear drive to do interdisciplinary theoretical and applied science


The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg gives priority to applications from severely disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

The hosting research team offers excellent conditions for carrying out the work and modelling within a strong international network of partners from industry and academia. Candidates can expect an interdisciplinary, collegial and open-minded working atmosphere. Queries concerning the application process and project-related questions should be directed to the head of the research unit, Prof. Peter Bayer -


All applications should include:

  • Cover letter in English (or German) shortly describing the motivation for the project, research interests and relevant experience
  • Complete curriculum vitae including contact details of two referees
  • Digital copy of Master’s/Bachelor’s/Diploma degree certificates

All documents should be submitted as one single pdf file.


Applicants with a degree that was not obtained at a German university must submit a certificate assessment for foreign university qualifications (Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications) from the Central Office for Foreign Education ( This can be provided later after being invited for the interview.

 Kindly send your application, quoting the reference number 5-8145b/23-D to Prof. Peter Bayer ( The submission deadline is September 17, 2023. Selected candidates may be invited to an interview already before this deadline. The position is offered with reservation of possible budgetary restrictions. Application portfolios will not be returned, and application costs cannot be reimbursed.

Read more / apply
  • Application deadline: Sep 17, 2023
  • University of Halle-Wittenberg
  • Department of Applied Geology
  • Halle (Saale), Germany
  • Postdoc Positions
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