IIOA Webinar – Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz-García Wednesday, 6th December 2023, at 3pm-4pm CET

Kuishuang Feng
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 09:05:37 -0500We are welcoming you to the upcoming 13th IIOA Webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, 6th December 2023, at 3pm-4pm CET
Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz-Garcia is a Macroeconomist with both theoretical and empirical interests. He received the Ph.D. in Economics and Government from the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI). He is currently an Economic Analyst of the Industrial Innovation Dynamics and Productivity Team (IID-PROD) of the Industrial Strategy, Skills, and Technology Transfer Unit (B6) of the Joint Research Centre in Sevilla (JRC-Sevilla) of the European Commission. His main research focuses on Firm Dynamics with a special interest in understanding how economic frictions, e.g., financial frictions, adjustment costs, affect firms in the economy, and as a result, aggregate productivity and output. He also works in Development Economics, particularly understanding the determinants of Poverty and Inequality both across and within countries.
Global Value Chain Disruptions: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity.
Abstract: How do external shocks transmit to the local economy through input-output linkages? Do firms balance efficiency and resilience in their usage of external inputs? To answer these questions, I propose a tractable multisector model that matches the European economy's input-output structure and trade flows. I implicitly introduce firm heterogeneity at the sector level. As trade is costly, firms decide optimally which inputs and from which locations to adopt in the production process. Under firm heterogeneity, only some firms are directly exposed to external shocks. Those firms transmit trade disruptions to the local economy and post an externality to local firms. I also show that the effects of a trade shock are more prominent in the heterogeneous firm framework than under the traditional one-sector one-firm setup. Finally, an optimal trade policy that balances competitiveness and resilience is explored. The policy, which depends on the market concentration, aims to correct the excessive risk-taking behaviour of importing firms.
The Webinar will be using MS Teams. Click here:
We intend to record the presentation and make it available after the event on the IIOA website.
Best regards,
Kuishuang Feng & Sanjiv Mahajan