10th IIOA Webinar

Kuishuang Feng
Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:46:21 -0400Dear Valued IIOA Member,
we are welcoming you to the upcoming 10th IIOA Webinar, scheduled for Monday, 5th June 2023. The webinar will take place from 3-4pm Central European Time (CET), 9pm China Standard Time - Beijing, and 9am Eastern Time (ET).
For this session, we are delighted to welcome Prof. Edgar Hertwich, a chair professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Edgar will be sharing his insights in a talk titled: "Using the hypothetical extraction method to understand the role of materials and manufacturing".
Edgar Hertwich is International Chair in Industrial Ecology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He also serves as a member of the International Resource Panel and the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. His work addresses footprint analysis, factor trade, technology assessment, and sustainable development. The talk seeks to clarify the relationship of the hypothetical extraction method, linkage analysis as developed by Cella and Duarte, and the supply chain impact approach by Cabernard. Hypothetical extraction offers a clear interpretation of linkages as a contribution to value added or other factors added. Recent applications on the carbon footprint of materials and machinery and equipment will be used to illustrate the role of the methods.
The Webinar will be using MS Teams. Click here:
We intend to record the presentation and make it available after the event on the IIOA website.
Best regards,
Kuishuang Feng