9th IIOA Webinar

Kuishuang Feng

Dear IIOA Members,

We're excited to announce the upcoming 9th IIOA Webinar, which is scheduled for Wednesday, 24th May 2023. The webinar will take place from 3-4pm Central European Time (CET), 9pm China Standard Time – Beijing, and 9am Eastern Time (ET). Please mark your calendars accordingly.

We've also updated our IIOA webinar webpage with all details of our past and future sessions. You can access the page at the following link: https://www.iioa.org/webinars/all_webinars.html.


For this session, we're delighted to welcome Dr. Adrien Vogt-Schilb, a Senior Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank. Adrien will be sharing his insights in a talk titled, "Using IO to Inform Climate Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean". Further information about Adrien and his work can be found in the short biography below.

Bio: Adrien Vogt-Schilb is a senior climate change economist at the Inter-American Development Bank, in the Chile office. Adrien's work focuses on the design of effective and politically acceptable climate strategies. He develops tools to align decarbonization policies with development goals in all sectors and to manage political economy issues in the transition to net-zero – including labor, social and fiscal impacts. Adrien also works on methods to build socio-economic resilience to uncertain climate change impacts, and to facilitate the co-construction of public policies involving a variety of stakeholders with different objectives. Adrien is a trained engineer, holds a PhD in economics and is the author of 7 books or monographs, and more than 30 academic papers on climate change and development.

The Webinar will be using MS Teams. Please use the link below. Clicking on it should give access to the meeting.



We intend to record the presentation and make it available after the event on the IIOA website.

Best regards,

Kuishuang Feng and Sanjiv Mahajan


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