Asking for feedback on RaMa-SCENE a webplatform to analyse EXIOBASE v3.3 and create scenario

Franco Donati

Dear all,

RaMa-SCENE (Raw Materials SCENario Efficiency improvements) has completed its first deployment of a web-tool to create macro-economic scenarios to analyse Circular Economy improvements across global supply chains.

The web-tool uses EXIOBASE V3.3 and makes available multiple environmental and socio-economic indicators. Scenario creation is available but it is currently limited to final demand, however, we will soon update the platform to include also modelling of intra-industry transactions.

If you are interested in helping us improving the RaMa-SCENE web-tool, we are collecting feedback to find bugs and improve usability.

You can access the platform by going on .

You can submit your feedback through

For any additional information you can get in touch with us by email:


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