The Loss of Bob Ayres: Contribute your condolences, memories, reflections and photos

Simron Singh
Fri, 10 Nov 2023 09:24:33 -0500A personal memorial by Marina Fischer-Kowalski
Robert U. Ayres died on October 23, at the age of 91 years. He has been, I claim, one of the eminent “universal scientists” of the 20th century.
I first met Bob at a conference on environmental accounting in Baden (Austria), in May 1991, where he presented a speech on “Materials and energy flows and balances as a component of environmental statistics”. For our proposals to reorganize Austrian socio-environmental statistics, this was extremely encouraging. I was deeply impressed by his basic approach, which then also provided guidance for what we proposed for Austria.
I then immediately read his foundational article from 1969, co-authored by A. Kneese, in the American Economic review the only time he was published by a major economics journal, he later complained to me. From then on evolved a close intellectual relationship. Bob invited our Baden paper as a final chapter to the Book “Industrial Metabolism”, finally published together with Udo E.Simonis by the United Nations University Press in 1994. The title of this book, slightly modified to “social metabolism”, became the marker of our work at Social Ecology in Vienna.
We increasingly understood Ayres’ conviction that the problem of unsustainability of human society was not a problem of inadequate technologies, but a problem of the contradiction between basic physics and economic growth.
Ayres thinking was more fundamental (and faster) than the thinking of most of us. He claimed basic principles of physics, like thermodynamics and the irreversibility of energy conversion, to apply also to human economies. He grounded this claim by basic laws of thermodynamics, and by historical analysis, and warned that the industrial economy was systematically about to threaten the balances of the Earth needed for human survival. This he did not always express in a friendly way when speaking up at conferences and meetings, but he had really something to say.
Bob was very close to Leslie, his wife; they married in 1954 and had a daughter who gave birth to three boys, but died in her early Fifties, a big loss for Leslie and Bob (I remember him in tears). Leslie managed Bob’s everyday life (which certainly was not an easy job, as stubborn as he used to be). She also co-edited the Handbook of Industrial Ecology (2002). At their house in Mallorca, with a beautiful view on the bay, we celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with Bob’s brothers and family in 2004. They then sold this house and bought a flat in Paris, where Leslie died in 2018.
In 2004, as chair of a Gordon Research Conference of Industrial Ecology, I was supposed to endow Bob Ayres with the first “Society Prize for outstanding contributions to Industrial Ecology”. The event was scheduled at Queens College in Oxford, in the afternoon. At noon, Bob and me were still sitting nervously in an airplane in Vienna that would not take off. In the end, the scheduled session was almost over when we arrived in Oxford – but there was just time enough for us to perform, and Bob received his award.
I gladly joined a group of scientists from all over the world in 2011 that nominated Bob Ayres as candidate for the Nobel prize in economics, initiated by Skip Laitner, Jeroen van den Bergh and Ludo van der Heyden, for linking economics to physics and technology, as an early warner of a fundamental sustainability crisis. This effort, though, did not succeed.
In an interview, a month before his death (, Bob talks about the majority of expert people currently being pessimistic about the future. “Most think there is no future, but I don’t think this is necessarily true. The technological solutions are (or will shortly be) there; it’s only that we need to come to an agreement, solve the problem of how to collaborate, create global answers.” On the interviewer’s question, when he thinks this could happen, he says: “On the 1st January of 2050, the headline of New York Times, in bold letters, will read ‘we did!’”.

(Anthony) Shun Fung Chiu
Mon, 13 Nov 2023 19:00:43 -0500Sharing memory .... a pic of Bob in our early Gordon gatherings at Queen's College and his most recent one at Leiden with Ming

Ralf Aschemann
Mon, 20 Nov 2023 11:40:06 -0500I read several pieces of Bob's work in the past, but never had the chance to meet him in person. But this year - at our conference in Leiden in July 2023 - I met him for the first and sadly also for the last time. Rest in Peace, Bob!
Ralf Aschemann

Edward Gordon
Tue, 21 Nov 2023 08:27:55 -0500Some thoughts on Bob Ayres from Tom Graedel
Bob Ayres roamed widely in the worlds of economics and technology, but industrial ecology became a major passion of his during his final quarter century of life. He generated what was probably the world's first material flow analysis (of 1986 emissions from metal processing industries in New Jersey, U.S.A.), served as editor of multi-authored books on industrial ecology, and wrote widely-read papers on the intersections between industrial ecology and economics. A frequent attendee and participant at ISIE and Gordon Conference meetings, he was always ready to engage in discussion and debate. Last, but surely not least, he received the very first ISIE Society Prize in recognition of his intellectual and collaborative achievements in industrial ecology.

Jesse Ausubel
Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:05:45 -0500
In the early 1980s I met Bob Ayres, then at Carnegie Mellon University, through Allen Kneese and other friends at Resources for the Future. Physicist and engineer Robert Herman, who had taught Bob physics at the U. of Maryland in the 1950s, suggested we invite him to contribute a paper on “Industrial Metabolism” to an August 1988 US National Academy of Engineering workshop on Technology and Environment, which incubated much of the early development of industrial ecology in the USA. While Bob had basic insights about materials balances circa 1970, the 1990s and the growing ISIE community proved an incredibly fertile context for the full fruition of his ideas. Below find some of Bob’s most cited articles. He merited the influence he has had. Jesse Ausubel
Production, consumption, and externalities RU Ayres, AV Kneese Economics of Natural & Environmental Resources (Routledge Revivals), 348-363 |
Year of Pub 2013 |
Industrial metabolism: theory and policy A Robert U. The Greening of Industrial Ecosystems, 23-37 |
1577* |
1994 |
RU Ayres Technology and environment 1989, 23-49 |
1989 |
AV Kneese, RU Ayres, RC DArge A Materials Balance Approach, RFF, Washington DC |
1084* |
1970 |
Industrial metabolism: Restructuring for sustainable development RU Ayres, UE Simonis EBSCO eBooks |
1994 |
A handbook of industrial ecology RU Ayres, L Ayres Edward Elgar Publishing |
2002 |
The economic growth engine: how energy and work drive material prosperity RU Ayres, B Warr Edward Elgar Publishing |
2010 |
Industrial Ecology: Towards Closing the Materials Cycle RU Ayres, LW Ayres Edward Elgar |
1996 |