Collaborative Industrial Ecology, Climate and Energy Agenda (academic & policy)

Florian Dierickx
Thu, 02 Apr 2020 12:59:45 -0400Dear members of ISIE,
For some time, I have been gathering events related to industrial ecology, climate and energy research, as well as thematically related policy events (through email lists, tweets, etc.) [google calendar url]. In the spirit of increasing transparency on ongoing research and policy questions and creating a 'working dialogue' - specifically in these online COVID19-times in which everybody is obligated to stay inside, I thought it would be interested to make use of the digital tools at our disposal to create awareness and exchange on ongoing academic and policy dialogues.
To that extent, based on the google calendar, I developed
- an online event-exploring tool [google datastudio dashboard], currently featuring:
- Event filtering by....
- Date range
- Year & month
- Event title search
- Country
- On-site or online (webinar) conference
- Topics / themes : broad categories (climate, energy [hydrogen, wind, solar, geothermal], economy, transport, urban, bioeconomy, legal)
- ...returning : the event title, starting date, URL to the event-page, a twitter-button to start an online discussion and notes link to notes from previous events.
- Event filtering by....
- A twitter-account, tweeting:
- New event additions
- Event reminders (30 minutes before the start)
- Most importantly --> a google forms to submit new events to the calendar
I warmly invite all of you to submit events you organize or encounter online, and make use of the tool! At the moment there is not yet an 'organized' note-sharing tool, but if there is enthusiasm to make use of it I will implement it.
Extra information, links and features (RSS-feed, google group mailinglist, background dataset, google apps script source code [to be added], ...) related to the agenda can be found at
Best regards,

Florian Dierickx
Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:02:15 -0400Suggestions very welcome! For example, I know the categories are not really representative for the broad range of disciplines and topics, but they are kept broad in the spirit of obtaining a good middle ground between detail and 'information overload'.

Sybil Derrible
Fri, 03 Apr 2020 05:21:50 -0400Super cool and very much needed. Thanks a lot Florian! I have just submitted the details of AScUS 2020 ( to add to your calendar. That's amazing.