Teaching industrial ecology online

Matan Mayer
Tue, 31 Mar 2020 08:08:28 -0400The rapid progress of COVID-19 forced many of us to quickly adapt to a new reality of teaching lecture courses and research seminars online.
Now might be a good time to share best practices and tips regarding online teaching.
Have you changed your course format in light of this transition? Does this shift present new opportunities for industrial ecology teaching? How do you foster active discussions in an online setting? Please feel free to share your experiences.
Also, if you are interested in discussing this topic further, the Sustainable Urban Systems section is hosting an open Zoom conference call on April 6 at 4PM (Paris time) here: https://uic.zoom.us/j/7744458710 (Meeting ID: 774 445 8710)

Christoph Helbig
Wed, 01 Apr 2020 03:18:35 -0400Thank you very much for this initiative in the SUS section, Matan!
I'll join you on Zoom to discuss the opportunities, and I believe this is very relevant to other sections life Socio-Economic Metabolism as well.
We can also point out the great examples for Open Online Courses that are available in our community, like the IEooc from Stefan Pauliuk at http://www.teaching.industrialecology.uni-freiburg.de/.

Jens Peters
Wed, 07 Oct 2020 10:30:20 -0400Hi all,
I accepted to give a seminar about the future of the chemical industry in a decarbonised (and circular) economy and am looking for teaching resources in this regard. I.e., material about how the chemical industry (including petrochemical and fuel) could look like in 2050 / 2100 and what are major constraints for this transition. There are numerous reports on technological solutions for decarbonising existing processes, but these are usually lacking a wider picture including the closure of material cycles, resource constraints and eventually also economic repercussions (I assume this will be impossbile to achieve maintaining current price levels, leading to icreased costs and reduced consumption of chemical products).
Any recommendations?