Housekeeping Rules for ISIE

Tim Baynes
Tue, 24 Sep 2019 02:00:13 -0400This forum is available to ISIE members who wish to provide feedback and suggestions on the draft ISIE Housekeeping Rules - see link below. These were first presented to the Society for consideration at the first Annual General Meeting on the 9th July 2019, and there it was decided to keep the document 'live' and open as a draft for refinement until such time as a General Meeting could vote for/against accepting them. The draft is based on the prior By laws of ISIE as it was hosted at Yale, now made consistent with the By laws of ISIE as registered in the Netherlands. The Board and management of ISIE continue to abide by those By laws and procedures currently outlined in the draft Housekeeping rules.
Link to Housekeeping Rules document