Adaptation under COVID-19

Lisa Harseim

Dear fellow members of the Sustainable Urban Systems section,

after an interesting virtual discussion in yesterday's Research Ideas during COVID-19 Zoom meeting, I would like to propose the following forum question to the community to collectively shape a multi-faceted overview of the various direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemia on the flow systems, with particular focus on - but not exclusive to - urban or regional metabolisms around the planet:

1) What shifts in the systems, pressures or challenges did you a) notice or do you see currently at work and which b) trends do you derive or expect, e. g. related to food, mobility, housing, sanitation, infrastructure, industry, air pollution and GHG emissions?

2) And which role do private, civil and public sector play in this?

3) How does the situation reflect back on you and the application of your IE and research work?

With the help of the diverse ISIE experts, I am hoping to draft a first but broader and comprehensive qualitative understanding of the disruptions and potential new links within the interrelations of social, economical and ecological processes that shape the metabolism as a foundation for adjusting upcoming research. 

Stay safe and a great thank you to everyone who would share his/her thoughts!

PS: A first start with some examples into a similar direction of thought has been provided in the EEIO blog and forum post.


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