Exiobase 3 data in previous year prices

Julius Ott

Dear Input-Output Analysis community,

I am currently writing my Master Thesis in the field of Input Output Analysis and would like to ask if anybody has used/ information about EXIOBASE 3 data in previous years prices (PYP) or respectively suitable deflators to generate PYP data from the normal set. Does this kind of data exist?


I would be really happy for a quick answer. Thank you!



Richard Wood

Hi Julius,

Previous year and/or constant price tables were never released for EXIOBASE 3 (some estimates were made, but were not particularly stable due to balancing and therefore robust for all uses)

However, product level price deflators were generated (largely thanks to Carl-Johan Södersten). They are described in the SI of the Stadler JIE paper and up at https://ntnu.box.com/s/bdgendgqghp4s19nle8gleu7juodek9n.

These are at the product level. If you want something more stable at the macro-level, you could use the difference between current and constant value-added at the aggregated industry level as a proxy.



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