ISIE 2021 Awards Ceremony

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 Shinichiro Nakamura, Andrea Hicks and Yuan Yao

Shinichiro Nakamura, Andrea Hicks and Yuan Yao (left to right)

The ISIE 2021 prizes have been awarded! We would like to warmly congratulate Shinichiro Nakamura, who has been awarded the 2021 Society Prize, and Andrea Hicks and Yuan Yao who have been awarded the Laudise Medal. These individuals have been recognized for their contributions to industrial ecology.

The ISIE would like to invite all its members to join our online awards ceremony on Wednesday, November 3. This event will take place from 12.00-13.00 UTC (view the time for you here). The awards ceremony will include a lecture by Prof. Shinichiro Nakamura titled Waste, Input-Output Analysis, and Industrial Ecology.


The lecture can be found on the ISIE YouTube Channel here.

Society Prize
The Society Prize is awarded for outstanding contributions to the field of industrial ecology. There are no specific requirements for this award, which could be centered on a single particular accomplishment or those of a career. It is the ISIE's highest recognition of professional achievement.

The 2021 award winner: Shinichiro Nakamura

Laudise Medal
The Laudise Medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in industrial ecology by a researcher under the age of 36, endowed by AT&T in memory of Robert Laudise.

The 2021 award winners: Andrea Hicks and Yuan Yao