2018 – City and Technology. IIHS Annual Research Conference

Industrial Ecology: Foundations for Sustainability Policy [March 24, 2025 (Monday), 6-7 am PST] Webinar series on “Data, Algorithms and Tools for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment” [Feb. 26, 2025 (Wednesday), 7-8 am PST] Webinar series on “Data, Algorithms and Tools for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment” Sustainable Islands Futures (SIF) symposium on Industrial Ecology Day - PROGRAM & REGISTRATION INFO Doing Ecological Economics: Ecological Economics, labor unions and the future of work in Europe International Society for Ecological Economics Live Debate: Controversies about the interpretation of limits and scarcity ISIE 2021 Awards Ceremony 2019 - Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (RRAU) The Sharing Economy: Research on Access, Technology, Equity and Applications 2019 - Urban ARC 2019 | City and the Region 2018 – Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience 2018 - Urban Transitions 2018 – Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 Introduction to the CLiCC Tool 2018 - Centros urbanos sostenibles y resilientes: Desarrollo en tecnologías de agua y saneamiento, construcción, energía y movilidad *Spanish only* 2018 - Cities Alive Conference 2018 - Systematizing and upscaling urban solutions for climate change mitigation (SUUCCM) 2018 Global Symposium on Urban and Territorial Planning – Improving Planning for More Sustainable Cities and Territories 2018 - APPAM International Conference. Public Policy for Sustainable Metropolitan Development 2018 – World Cities Summit Webinar: Big Couple Data for Sustainable Urban Systems: Examples from Los Angeles 2018 - IPCC Cities Conference 2018 – City and Technology. IIHS Annual Research Conference 2017 - The Role of Cities in the Implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Fulfillment of the SGD 2017 RAMSES - Cities and Climate Conference 2013 Sustainability and Asian Cities Workshop


Technology has always played a significant role in the ways societies have evolved. This is true in the context of cities as well. Cities, especially in the Global South, are spaces where the promise of technology is tested against the backdrop of the rapid urbanization. A recent UNCTAD report emphasized the role of science, technology and innovation in the process of urbanization, particularly if we are to ensure it is sustainable and equitable.

The narratives of celebration and critique emerging at the intersections of ‘Technology’ and ‘City’ present a unique moment for urban scholars. The conference aims to unpack the promises and pitfalls of technological interventions in urban spaces by examining a wide-range of intersections – sectoral, disciplinary, methodological and geographic, and offers a space for conversations on theoretical and methodological research interventions across disciplinary silos. Scholars developing new knowledge about cities will have to critically examine the role of technology in influencing urban transformations, which are often entwined with ideas and narratives of modernization.

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