2021 VII SIEYP - The Seventh Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP)

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Save the date for SIEYP 2021!


In the past, the SIEYP has been a great opportunity for members of the ISIE Student Chapter to learn and network, and while a lot has changed in the past year, that has not. The ISIE Student Chapter Board is hosting The First Virtual Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (Virtual-SIEYP). It will precede the Industrial Ecology Day with a workshop and networking activities on June 17 and June 18, 2021. The symposium provides a great opportunity for networking and integration of IE students and young professional across different time zones. 

What can you expect from the Virtual SIEYP?

The main goals of the Virtual-SIEYP are to engage and connect IE students and young professional in COVID-19 times. The pandemic has caused several impacts on our daily life, and has interfered with the involvement of students and young professionals in the IE community. That is why the theme of the Virtual-SIEYP is “Connecting IE community in COVID-19 times” and it aims to provide skills to students and young professional during the COVID-19 pandemic while sharing with their experiences with the community. The Virtual-SIEYP consists in two events: A workshop on Eco-Anxiety and how to deal with fear of climate change and pandemics; and a Networking Event where you will meet a lot of the young professionals who will be around during IE Day.

The Virtual SIEYP will be free of charge

As an effort to promote diversity and inclusiveness, the Virtual-SIEYP events will be free of charge. Furthermore, the time of these events is selected to facilitate the participation of students and young professionals across different time zones. Any student or young professional who performs research in industrial ecology (with or without an ISIE membership) is welcome to register for the events.


Workshop (June 17, 2021. Time: Noon-2pm UTC. At: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87441373022?pwd=NWx2enZaeUpSQlJMdGxxQ0Y4K1gwdz09 ; Meeting ID: 874 4137 3022; Passcode: 631476)

  • Title: Eco-Anxiety: how to deal with climate change stresses and pandemic induced fears
  • Sub-title: A webinar on why we seek control in an era of uncertainty
  • Description: Overwhelmed by a struggling planet? As the climate emergency becomes more real and more spoken about, some of us also start to worry more. The scenery around us changes, scientists put pressure on governments and citizens, new deadlines are imposed, and time seems, now more than ever, too little.
    At the same time, a pandemic is added to our already vulnerable psyche and the loss of control is a tangible reality we have to accept.
    This combination of warnings and irreversible changes forces us to confront thoughts, feelings and fears that were more easily ignored in the past: vulnerability, distance, lack of control, death.
    This workshop will not aim to scare you even more. On the contrary, it will help you understand and process how we, humans, react to unknown threats related to our roots, our planet, our existence. 

Join us and you will learn: 

  • The ways we react to disasters. 
  • Fears, feelings and mental health issues that arise when confronted with the (possibility) of a disaster. 
  • Theories related to eco-anxiety and ecological grief 
  • What to do in order to find meaning from these situations without freezing
  • Ways to deal with the overwhelming effect of a disaster without leaning towards extreme pessimism nor extreme optimism. 
  • There is great potential in fear, anxiety and grief. We just need to learn new ways to look at tragedies and our human nature.

Join us and find out more about Eco-Anxiety and how to deal with fear and uncertainty around environmental change and disasters.

Bio: Vassia Sarantopoulou is the Head Psychologist and proud founder & owner of AntiLoneliness, a company offering mental health services in The Netherlands and also worldwide. She is also a Trainer, a Perfectionism Expert and a Mental Health Ambassador, promoting Inner Peace, Mental Health Awareness and Healthy Relationships with others and with our self. She is trained in (Group) Schema Therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy, among other approaches (CBT, ACT, CFT), and she is a member of NIP (Dutch Institute for Psychologists), ICEEFT and ISST. Through AntiLoneliness and her team of psychologists, she offers individual, couples or groups sessions to those who struggle with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, burnout, loneliness, relationship issues, transition/change, expat life. After many years of offering workshops to individuals but also institutes, universities and organisations, she recently started AntiLoneliness Academy, a platform with Psychoeducational Workshops for everyone and also for Professionals of Mental Health.

You can contact her at info@antiloneliness.com or follow AntiLoneliness in one of our social media platforms for more practical and useful tips on Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being: Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - LinkedIn

Networking event: Virtual Meet-n-Greet (June 18, 2021. Time: Noon-02:00pm UTC)

Once again, you will have the opportunity to meet and get to know your peers on a personal and professional level. The networking event of the SIEYP, on the 18th of June, will provide students and young professionals of Industrial Ecology with an innovative and dynamic platform to network and create meaningful connections, based on shared experiences and views of the world. More details will be updated soon!