2019 SIEYP VI - the Sixth Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP)

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The 6th Symposium of Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP VI)


Registration is now closed. 

The ISIE Student Chapter Board is hosting The Sixth Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP VI). It will precede the ISIE 2019 conference with activities beginning on the morning of July 6th (Saturday) and ending on the morning of July 7th (Sunday), 2019. Please plan to arrive in Beijing on Friday July 5th. The symposium provides a great opportunity for networking and integration prior to the conference. 

What can you expect from SIEYP VI? 

The main goal of the symposium is to provide an opportunity for students & young professionals who perform research in industrial ecology (IE) to network with one another and discuss their research.  The theme of SIEYP VI is “Turning research into action” and it aims to provide you with skills to translate your industrial ecology research into tangible outcomes through policy development and implementation. Furthermore, we are going on a two-part field trip (note the change, see below).

NSF Award Recipients

For US-based scholars who are recipients of NSF funding, participation during the entire day on Saturday is required. Please bring printed receipts for registration, transportation, and lodging.  Receipts must clearly state the purchase, date, and who made the payment.


Saturday July 6th
Location: Xijiao Hotel Convention Center, 18 Wangzhuang Rd, Wu Dao Kou, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi, China





Check-in, receive meal tickets, breakfast

XHCC (check-in), Xijiao Hotel (breakfast)


SIEYP Program begins




Xijiao Hotel


Smart Agricultural Exhibition Center

Field Trip (travel by bus)


EVTec @ China National Convention Center

Field Trip (travel by bus)


SIEYP Program continues




Xijiao Hotel


Sunday July 7th

Location: Xijiao Hotel, 18 Wangzhuang Rd, Wu Dao Kou, Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi, China





Receive meal tickets & eat breakfast

Xijiao Hotel (breakfast)


Leave for Forbidden City

Leave from Xijiao Hotel lobby

Optional (fees not included) visit to Forbidden City, using subway system.  We think that Chinese nationals need to purchase tickets online in advance; foreigners optionally can (passports are needed either way).  During the breaks on Saturday, we will help each other purchase the tickets in advance.

Travel Tips

Getting to Tsinghua from the Airport:

Check the ISIE Conference Manual which was recently emailed by the ISIE2019 Congress Secretariat <isie2019@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn>.  It contains helpful advice for traveling from the airport to Tsinghua and surrounding hotels.


It will be VERY HOT in Beijing.  On Saturday and Sunday, dress casually.  We will be indoors for most of the day Saturday, but will go outside to travel on the bus.  On Sunday, we will be outside if you choose to visit the Forbidden City. During the conference, most people will dress business casual.   A suit jacket may not be necessary.  Plan to change into clothes suitable for the heat (shorts/skirts, teeshirts, sandals) in the evening after the conference.

Apps to install on your smartphone before you get to Beijing:

Note that in China, without a VPN sites/apps like Google, Google Maps, Facebook, and sometimes WhatsApp do not work. Thank you to Jinghan Di for her help in creating this list!

  1. WeChat
    • This is a multi-purpose app which you can use for individual and group chats, as well as for payment
    • If you have an iPhone, iMessage should still work
    • WeChat Apple, WeChat Android
    • Once WeChat is installed, scan this QR code  to join the "ISIE Beijing, Young Professional" WeChat group! We will use it to coordinate with each other.  Feel free to post questions or ideas to the group!  We will likely create sub-groups for each hotel, to coordinate transportation and outings.

      Since the WeChat group has 100 members, new members need to be manually added. Please request Juhua Yang by scanning this QR Code.  Juhua can then add you to the group!
  2. Alipay
  3. Maps.me
    • Baidu Maps are strictly in Chinese, and Google Maps are blocked (without a VPN, see below)
    • Maps.me is free, is in English, and has Offline maps
    • If you have an iPhone, Apple maps should still work somewhat
    • Be sure to download the map for Beijing before you go!
    • Maps.me AppleMaps.me Android
  4. Didi
  5. VPN (optional)
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN) will let you access sites & apps that are blocked in China.  This blogger recommends Express VPN ($13/month).
    • Your university may provide a VPN free of charge; ask your IT department

SIEYP will be a harrassment-free environment

To help participants make the most out of SIEYP VI, the Conference Organizing Committee is committed to providing a friendly, safe and inclusive environment for all, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, disability, religion or other status. Expected Behavior: Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative. || Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech. || Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. || Alert staff if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress. || Most venues are open to members of the public; please be respectful to all visitors of these locations. Unacceptable Behavior: Examples of unacceptable behavior include: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct. Harassment of all kinds are unacceptable such as (but not limited to): offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, religion, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior: Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated – whether by participants, speakers, volunteers, venue staff, partners, or exhibitors. Unacceptable behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the event. What to Do If You Witness or Are Subject to Unacceptable Behavior: If you are subject to, or notice that someone else is being subjected to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify a member of ISIE student board as soon as possible. All reports will remain completely confidential.

  We look forward to seeing you in Beijing! Please send questions or suggestions to students@is4ie.org

  File:Beijing skyline from northeast 4th ring road (cropped).jpg