Urban metabolism in policy and practice: a global discussion

2025 IX SIEYP - the 9th Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals Student Section Webinar - From Research to Practice: How Science Informs Government Decision Making 2024 Joint ISIE SEM and Asia-Pacific Conference in Beijing, 24-27 August 2024 ISIE-SEM Summer School 1st Urban Science and Sustainability (USS) Conference 1st sustainable circular economy section meeting 2023 VIII SIEYP - the 8th Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals Meet-the-board virtual student event, June 14, 2023 Sustainable Islands Futures (SIF) symposium, 10 May 2023 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, May 10-12, 2023 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, October 24-28, 2022 ISIE-SEM 2022 conference in Vienna, 19-21 September 2022 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, April 26-27th 2022 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, October 6-8th 2021 2021 VII SIEYP - The Seventh Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP) ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, May 4-5th 2021 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, December 15-16th 2020 The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference UCLG Congress World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders Urban metabolism in policy and practice: a global discussion 2019 SIEYP VI - the Sixth Symposium on Industrial Ecology for Young Professionals (SIEYP) 2019 Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) - Socio-Economic Metabolism Section 2019 ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, March 6-7th ISIE Student Virtual Networking event, April 25-26th 2018 2016 Joint 12th (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism & 5th Asia-Pacific Conference 2014 Joint 11th (ISIE) Socio-Economic Metabolism & 4th Asia Pacific Conference 2013 Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium 2012 ISIE Asia Pacific Meeting 2012 Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium 2012 MFA ConAccount Conference 2010 ISIE Asia Pacific Meeting & ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting 2010 Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium

In a collaboration between the ISIE Sustainable Urban Systems Section, Metabolism of Cities, and the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a seminar on urban metabolism in policy and practice will be held in Beijing on July 6, 2019. 

During this event conversations, presentations, and discussions will take place with a focus on Beijing and how urban metabolism research and tools can assist in policy and practice, in particular around the topic of solid waste challenges in the city. This event brings together a variety of people from government, academia, and practice. This is a full-day event that takes place just before the conference starts, and it is open to conference attendees and other interested parties. Places are limited and priority will be given to people engaging in research or other work related to solid waste and the link with urban metabolism. 

This event forms part of a seminar series, which includes events in Cape Town (May 2019), Beijing (July 2019) and Brussels (October 2019). 

For more details and to register, visit the event website.