The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference

Session 17: Scenario modelling of urban metabolism – recent progress and research trends

Time slot: Nov 06, 2024 — 12:00-13:30 (UTC Change)
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Urban expansion and the transformation of mature cities are major drivers of resource use. How can cities be built and transformed to use less resources in the future? To address this question with science-based insights, a new type of scenario modelling of urban metabolism is emerging in our community. This session will showcase recently published and ongoing work on scenario modelling of society’s material and energy metabolism at the city scale.

The session convenes three speakers to a give a 15-20 minutes input each, and then, after a 1 hr block of presentations and quick questions, we have another 30 minutes for an open discussion.


Dr. Yupeng Liu, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, PRC. “Material-saving strategy for decarbonizing global building stock.”

Keagan Rankin – University of Toronto, University of Cambridge. “A Future Growth Model for Building More Housing and Infrastructure with Less Embodied Greenhouse Gas”, based on Co-author of Rankin and Saxe (2024):

Lola Rousseau, Industrial Ecology Program, NTNU Trondheim, Norway. “Reducing material use and their greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Oslo Area, Norway.”

Moderator: Stefan Pauliuk, Uni Freiburg, Germany

Register here:

Time: Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 2024, UTC: 12:00-13:30

Tokyo, JST: 21:00-22:30 (evening)

Beijing, Xiamen, CST: 20:00-21:30 (evening)

Central Europe, CET: 13:00-14:30 (early afternoon)

London, GMT: 12:00-13:30 (noon)

Toronto, New York, Washington, EST 07:00-08:30 (morning)

Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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