The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference

Session 15: Sociometabolic research in agri-food systems: circularity and self-sufficiency

Time slot: Apr 12, 2024 — 10:00-11:00 (UTC Change)
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The next session of the Socioeconomic Metabolism section's Perpetual Online Conference is up!
We want to invite you to attend an upcoming online session of the ISEM SEM Perpetual Online Conference on "Sociometabolic research in agri-food systems: circularity and self-sufficiency".

Date & time: Friday, 12 April 2024, 10:00-11:00 UTC
(06:00-07:00 New York, 12:00-13:00 Berlin, 18:00-19:00 Beijing)

Location: Online (MS Teams).


  • Introduction into the session by section chair Stefan Pauliuk and session chair Anastasia Papangelou
  • “A review of socio-metabolic research on circularity in agri-food systems and pathways to action”,
    by Souhil Harchaoui*, Myriam Grillot, Jean-Yves Courtonne, Sophie Madelrieux
    *INRAE, Institut Agro, SAS, Rennes, France
  • “A socio-metabolic approach to analyse self-sufficiency in EU‘s agri-food systems”,
    by Lisa Kaufmann, Institute of Social Ecology (SEC), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)

Afterward, panel discussion and open discussion with participants.


Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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