The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference

Session 11: Advancing the built environment toward energy and circularity transitions: Challenges and Opportunities

Time slot: May 12, 2022 — 13:00-15:00 (UTC Change)
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Advancing the built environment toward energy and circularity transitions: Challenges and Opportunities

The built environment is at the heart of the required transitions towards sustainability. Key to this is how we plan, build, navigate, power, maintain, heat and cool our cities – while providing wellbeing and quality of life to all. In this session, early career researchers from the CML (Institute of Environmental Sciences) in Leiden University will present recent advancements and ongoing socioeconomic metabolism research on these topics, from the buildings resolution to the global scale, and from current issues to future challenges.

Date & time: May 12 01:00-03:00 UTC

Chair: Glenn Aguilar Hernandez


Xiaoyang Zhong: Increasing material efficiencies of buildings to address the global sand crisis

Laura Pérez Sánchez: Can we balance the GHG emissions and material impacts of decreasing car dependency vs. densification of suburban sprawl?

Teun Verhagen: Legacy residential natural-gas infrastructure: urban mine or hydrogen infrastructure?

Janneke van Oorschot: Spatially explicit scenarios for material stock dynamics in the Dutch building sector

Sebastiaan Deetman: Global Material Use in Integrated Assessment Models - IE for the IPCC

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