The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference

Session 10: The physical triple bottom-line: Balancing the stock dynamics of people, products, and planet

Time slot: Jan 26, 2022 — 13:00-14:30 (UTC Change)
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The physical triple bottom-line: Balancing the stock dynamics of people, products, and planet

While the socio-economic metabolism community has so far focused mainly on describing stocks and flows of matter and energy in the anthroposphere, i.e., the built environment, other communities, such as ecology and demography, have analyzed the stocks and flows of plants and animals in the natural environment and of people in societies. We present and illustrate a framework for a common language to describe the stock dynamics for people, products, and planet.

Program (15min presentation and 5min discussion; Time: CET):

  • 14:00 - 14:05: Daniel Müller, NTNU, Norway
    • Introduction
  • 14:05 - 14:25: Dirk Lauinger, EPFL, Switzerland
    • Framework: Towards a common language for stock dynamics of people, products, and planet.
  • 14:25 - 14:45: Felipe Vásquez, CEMPRE, Colombia
    • People: Food demand of an ageing and heavier population.
  • 14:45 - 15:05: Romain Billy, NTNU, Norway
    • Products: Lifetimes of product-component systems – why they matter for the planet and how to model them.
  • 15:05 - 15:25: Helen Hamilton, Biomar, Norway
    • Planet: Sustaining the supply of omega-3 fatty acids to a growing population.
  • 15:25 - 15:30: Daniel Müller, NTNU, Norway      
    • Discussion and Conclusion


Date: January 26th, 2022

Time: 14:00-15:30 CET; 08:00-09:30 Washington, DC; 22:00-23:30 Tokyo; 00:00-01:30 Sydney

Zoom Meeting:

Youtube Streaming: on ISIE youtube account (TBA)

Session registration

This is an event for ISIE members.

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