Session 19: Circular Economy Modelling for Climate Change Mitigation - Updates from the Horizon Europe CIRCOMOD project
While we realise that circular economy offers promising reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, we have no good understanding of its impact, magnitude, synergetic and rebound effects. The current scenarios models and scenarios do not include circular economy options. CIRCOMOD develops a new generation of models that will address this gap. During this session, we report and discuss the results of 2.5 years of work in the EU Horizon CIRCOMOD project, focussing on model framework, demand-side solutions, supply side measures, and economy-wide modelling.
* Brief overview of CIRCOMOD. Oreane Edelenbosch and Detlef van Vuuren (10 min)
* Analytical framework and scope of work, highlights, by sector, by material, by R-Strategy. Oreane Edelenbosch (7 min)
* Highlights from the demand side. Peter Berrill (7 min)
* Highlights from the supply side. Edgar Hertwich (7 min)
* Highlights from economic modelling: CE strategies in CGE models. Leonidas Paroussos (7 min)
* The CIRCOMOD Data hub. Stefan Pauliuk (7 min)
* Outlook: remaining work plan and ways to engage. Detlef van Vuuren (5 min)
* Q&A (20 min)
Moderator: Patrícia Fortes
Zoom registration and link: Will be added HERE early next week (around Feb. 3rd). Please bear with us for a few days and check again after Feb. 3rd! Everybody will be able to register, no ISIE membership required.
This online seminar is a joint event by IIASA-EDITS, CMCC, the CIRCOMOD project, and the Socioeconomic Metabolism Section of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE-SEM).